Work in a taxi, on the one hand, is prettyinteresting, and on the other - quite dangerous, because you do not know who can get to you in the salon. Starting to engage in this kind of activity, it is necessary to understand how to work in a taxi.

If you decide to become a taxi driver, you need to understand if it's profitable and how to set up your work so that you do not lose out.

License or dispatch service?

The most optimal is the conclusion of an agreement withthe dispatching service of a taxi. Thus, you do not need to look for orders independently, they will come to you from the service with which you have concluded the contract. Employees of the service will install you a special application on your phone or tablet, and you will always be aware of incoming orders. You can work with several taxi services, then the earnings will be higher. Such organizations charge 10% of the order value. An important condition for working with taxi services is the timely payment of orders. Without paying for previous orders, you will not receive new ones. It is worth noting that some services pay extra for owning foreign languages, which gives you the opportunity to work with foreign clients.

If you want to work in a taxi on your car andnot depend on anyone, then you need to think about obtaining a license for this type of transport. In this case, you will need to install a "checker", or you may need to repaint the car in a certain color.

How to get a license for a taxi.

Your car or rented?

If you want to work on your machine, then allYou will incur the costs of depreciation, but in this case you will need to pay a percentage of orders to the dispatch service if you cooperate with one of them. If not, then you will receive income in full.

If you do not want to wear out your car, you canto lease it from the employer. You will need to pay for renting a car a certain amount daily, but the repair will be carried out at the expense of the owner of the car.

The main job or part-time job?

As in any business, it is necessary to work hard here to make a decent income. Of course, you can give this lesson a few hours a day, but in this way you will not be able to earn much.

Work in a taxi should be considered as the main earnings, if you have no other income.

Of course, you will leave and tip, but strongly rely on them not worth it.

Tips for novice taxi drivers

  • For more money, choose the right place. The most profitable are railway stations, airports, terminal metro stations.
  • From November to April - the most successful time when you can earn a large amount compared to other periods, because in winter people often use taxi services.
  • Also it is necessary to remember and about rest, after alla tired driver can get into an accident. Experienced drivers advise to break the working day into two parts: from 7-8 am to 4 pm and from 7 pm to 11 pm. but everyone decides for themselves, at what time it is more convenient and profitable for him to work.
  • Taxi drivers are good psychologists, soyou need to be attentive to the people you pick on the road, because you can get scammers or even bandits. If, for example, there is a girl on the side of the road, and a few guys are not far from her, then do not stop, because with a higher probability you will be robbed.

If you still decide to go into taxi drivers, you, for sure, will be useful article. How to get a taxi.

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