Few of us think about how muchour life would be complicated without a taxi. Timely appearance at work today is simply a problem. Eternal traffic jams, waiting for route and transportation vehicles have become a habit. Taxi drivers, as a rule, take into account traffic congestion and try to find the most optimal way. Yes, the taxi ride is an order of magnitude more expensive, but being late at the appointed time and place can bring even greater losses.

Before you call a taxi, you need to clearlydetermine the time and date. If you have an urgent trip on the agenda, in this case it is better to turn to the services of an exclusively proven service. It should also be remembered that on holidays, no matter how good a taxi service is, waiting for a car can be from half an hour or more. If you know in the morning about the planned trip in the evening, you can use the car reservation. But in this situation, you need to check and confirm the availability of the order, because errors in such cases, unfortunately, are not uncommon.

It should be borne in mind that taxi dispatcherswork in tense conditions, and even the radio of drivers sometimes fail. That is why it is very important to dictate your address practically in letters. Do not be surprised by the rudeness and nervousness of some dispatchers. The problems of their nervous system should not interest you. The taxi service will not compensate for the lost meeting, possible losses and wasted nerves. Therefore, everything that should interest you: the correctness of the provided address and the timing of the.

If the control line is busy for a long time, you canUse the order of the machine via the Internet if this service provides this service. How to call a taxi through the Internet and what is needed for this? On the taxi service website, we find the form "Order a taxi" in which we enter your contact numbers, address and desired time of arrival. And confirm your application. As a rule, the dispatcher communicates with the client, to confirm the order.

If the taxi is late, you do not need to make a fuss, and,especially, to intimidate the dispatcher. It's just stupid. It is much better to explain the situation politely and persistently and find a compromise. Remember: frustrating the driver - make yourself worse. After all, he is responsible for you throughout the trip.

People who consider themselves smarter than others cancall two or three different services, and calmly wait for the car that arrives fastest. But we must not forget that the bases of these services are roaming from one to the other. Therefore, many cities have created black lists designed for such clever people. Do not fall into this list, otherwise you yourself will complicate the search for a taxi in the future.

Before you call a taxi from your mobilephone, make sure that you have at your disposal a fixed telephone number of the room in which you are located. Often the dispatcher asks to specify this phone.

Only courtesy and patience will help you achieve the desired result, or rather the timely arrival of a taxi.

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