Now when applying for a job, the employeroften requires the passage of doctors and the receipt of a health record, but how to issue a health record? Our article will tell about it. The most important thing is to have enough time and not be afraid to pass the doctors.

Why you need a health record

You can make a health record usingfamiliar, for example, buying it, but we do not recommend it to you, since then you will not know the state of your health, which is very important in the conditions of bad ecology of our time.

Availability of such a book is usually required from employeesin the food industry, those who work with industrial goods, any food, people (communal or household), teachers, as they are in contact with a large number of children and, naturally, employees of medical institutions.

Today, because of low-quality water and otherfactors have become frequent cases of infectious diseases, so now many organizations are checking the falsity of health records, this is possible, since such books do not pass state registration.

And, naturally, if an employee does not have thischerished book, he will not be allowed to work, the employer himself is not interested in this, because if the higher authorities find out about the counterfeit book, the employer will have to pay a fine.

Sanitary book: decoration

The health book can be issued in a special state institution or in private clinics. The choice is yours.

Now in order to get a health bookyou need to find out what is hygiene, that is, to pass this training, then pass the certification, then you receive referrals for different medical examinations.

A professional hygienic qualification is a study, then an attestation. And the results of your knowledge on this subject will be added to your book.

So there are a number of medical examinations that you need to take every year. They include:

  • therapeutic examination;
  • dermatovenereological examination of a specialist (naturally you should not have gonorrhea, syphilis, trichomoniasis);
  • Fluorographic image of your thoracic department.

Perhaps your work has to do withstorage, sale, transportation or production of products intended for food, then you also need to additionally go through some more checks:

  • intestinal diseases;
  • the absence of worms;
  • the absence of typhoid fever;
  • assay for enterobiasis.

Where to make a health record

We would advise you to go to the statepolyclinic, profiling in this matter. If you are going to be, for example, a private pool manager or an administrator, maybe a nurse or a cleaner, then you should go through additional doctors to identify the following diseases:

  • the presence of worms or other worms,
  • Analyzes for the presence / absence of dermato-venereal diseases

Perhaps you want to become a nurse ora paramedic, or a hospice worker. In any case, if you want to work with people, in this case with patients, then you should get doctors in such directions:

  • on HIV infection;
  • on anti-HbsAg and HCV.

Workers of surgery, dentistry and other specialists must pass specialists on such issues: vaccination against hepatitis B; vaccination against another disease, it all depends on the region.

Sanitary book, which doctors pass

Now you have learned which doctors and on what issues you need to go in order to get a health book.

Separately, I add that all people who came from distant / near abroad, should make a test for HIV infection.

Prolongation of the medical book

After a certain time you needwill extend your book. After two years you must undergo dermatovenereologist examination. Once a year you need to do the following tests for the health book:

  1. therapeutic examination;
  2. analyzes for the detection of helminth eggs;
  3. Fluorographic image of your thoracic department.
  4. sample for enterobiasis.

Now you have learned how to arrange a medical book with different categories of employees. We really hope that you will pass all the tests very quickly and without problems. We wish you health and long life.

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