When applying for a loan, subsidy or receiptanother state service package of documents requires a certified copy of the work book. From our article you will learn how to assure a work record.

Where to get a copy of the document

To assure a duplicate of the work record,you need to contact the HR department of your organization. This procedure is carried out with the oral request of the employee, but in large enterprises may require the completion of a special application.

How to write an application for a copy of the work book

In the body of the document, indicate the requeston the provision of a copy of the work book and the basis for issuance. A sample of such a statement you can find on the stand at the office of the personnel department. After filing, the application will be reviewed by the staff and the director of the organization.

If you work in a small private company, the HR department may be absent. Then the work on the certification of the document will be performed by an accountant or direct supervisor.

Requirements for a copy of the work record book

  • Each copied sheet of work record must have the inscription: "Copy is true";
  • Further, the person who certifies the document, indicates his / her position, as well as the surname, name, patronymic;
  • Then the authorized person signs and the date. At the top of the signature is the seal of the organization;
  • The last sheet of the duplicate document must have the inscription: "It works till now". Also, the post and the full name of the authorized person are prescribed, the date of certification, the signature and stamp of the organization is put;
  • All the inscriptions must be made strictly in ink in blue;
  • When providing a copy of the document at the place of the request, the date of certification must be in the current year.

How to assure a copy of the document

For a duplicate work record, the document is necessaryto copy. A typing option is allowed on the computer, but such a copy may be rejected by the requested organization, even if it is certified by all rules.

We certify the book completely

1 way

  • To do this, you need to make copies of all the completed pages, including the very first, which contains personal information about the employee;
  • Further, the person who is responsible for the certification of the document, makes notes, which are prescribed in the paragraph "Requirements for a copy of the work record" of this article.

2 way

  • For this type of certification, it is necessary to make a copy of each page of the document on a separate A4 sheet;
  • Further the sheets must be numbered and stitched;
  • The cord from the firmware is displayed on the last sheet of the document and fastened with a small square piece of paper;
  • On paper, a seal is placed that must capture a copy of the document and the signature of the person in charge;
  • Also it is necessary to prescribe how many sheets are stitched in the document.

Copy of an extract from the work record book

This procedure differs in that the document contains a copy of the first cover page and other pages with the necessary information.

The sheets are certified according to the technology described above, numbered and stitched. On the firmware of the document it is necessary to put the seal of the organization and the signature of the official.

How to assure a work record to an unemployed person

  • For this procedure it is necessary to make a copy of the necessary sheets on your own and apply to the last place of your work;
  • The authorized officer will certify theas described above. On the last page, instead of the inscription "Working until now", the reason why a person does not work, for example, retired, will be indicated.

In the case where there is no way to assure laborthe book on the last place of work, it is necessary to apply to the notary service. For a fee, you are certified by a book according to the established pattern. Keep in mind that for the service of a copy you will be charged at a separate tariff.

See another article on the topic of interest How to assure a copy of the work.

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