They say that to see in a dream small coins - totears. And what does paper money look like? Let's see what a dream can mean depending on its plot. We offer you a selection of interpretations of sleep, in which you saw paper money, presented in the most famous dream books.

  • Getting paper bills - sleep promises supportsurrounding. To see torn money - to misfortunes and losses. Counting bills is a reminder of your pettiness. To extend a bill to another person - you are facing big expenses (Wannie's Dream).
  • If you dream about paper money, then waitnews. At the same time, this dream can mean that soon you will become a victim of deception or fraud. If you give out bills in a dream, then a dream promises you unexpected wealth (Sonnik E. Tsvetkova).
  • The large bills seen in a dream promise a profit. If you think them, be careful when defending your views. If you find bills, wait for cash profit, if you give out - expect good changes. A lot of paper money - to prosperity and luck (Dream Miss Hasse).
  • Borrow money - a warning about a possible fraud. Putting them in the bank - to losses. To see old paper money - to the gift (Esoteric dream book).
  • Find in a dream paper bills - to pleasantchanges in your life. Losing paper money is a bad turn in your life. Read paper bills - everything is in your hands! To borrow them - possible serious problems or financial losses. Steal paper money - you need to be more circumspect in your actions. (Female dream book)
  • Money bills in a dream - to new financialreceipts. To give paper money - your desire will soon be fulfilled. Lose bills - to failure in love and in deeds. To exchange or count money - to poverty (Dream Medea).

On the meaning of similar dreams you can read in our articles:

  • What does the money look like?
  • Why is dreaming a trifle
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