The first on the positive effect of autosuggestiondrew attention to the French pharmacist Emil Kue who developed this theory, becoming one of the best psychologists of our time. He realized that people who sincerely believe in their recovery, cure much faster. That's why we suggest you get acquainted with the theory of self-hypnosis Kue.

The basis of this technique is absolutely simple: Man is controlled by imagination. If he is sick or depressed, then his imagination becomes painful. So, changing the idea of ​​everything that happens, a person can quickly recover. From the proposed technique you can understand how to impress yourself that you are healthy, and successfully apply it in practice.

Emile Kue's auto-suggestion technique

  • The phrase "I'm almost healthy and soon completely recover" should be pronounced in a calm voice, without any emotion, lying in bed before going to bed and waking up in the morning.
  • You need to pronounce the phrase in such a way that you hear yourself well.
  • Speak consciously, no longer thinking about anything.
  • Take the process seriously, not for a "tick".
  • Speak at least 20 times.
  • In order not to be distracted by the account, you can buy beads with 20 balls and sort them out as you pronounce the next phrase.

The suggested phrase is not mandatory for utterance. Each person can come up with a phrase for himself, but it must necessarily be positive, for example: "I will live happily ever after."

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