Under hypnosis is understood the change of statehuman consciousness, which simultaneously combines the elements of wakefulness and sleep. Hypnosis is a condition that is prompted by suggestion and is accompanied by subjugation of the sleeper's will. Hypnosis as a form of suggestion is known to the world for more than three thousand years.

To introduce a person into a state of hypnotic sleep can be done in various ways, based on all sorts of hypnotic techniques.

The procedure of hypnosis

First of all, in order to master the skill of hypnosis, one should try to prevail in the following qualities that will help him in the process of suggestion:

  • imperious, confident, monotonous speech;
  • magnetic direct view.

Hypnotic methods fall into three main categories.

  1. Methods of mechanical action, where the object of suggestion is acted upon by material objects that possess color, sound, light, etc.
  2. Mental influence, characterized primarily by verbal monotonous suggestion.
  3. Magnetic methods, where therapeutic magnetism is basic, for example, to cure a patient of migraine.

Next, we describe how the procedure of hypnosis proceeds using the example of the psychic method of affecting the sleeper:

  • The main focus of hypnotized attention is the voice and speech of the hypnotist.
  • The patient is laid on the couch, saying: "You feel the pressure of the pillow on your head, feel the couch under your back, then you switch your attention to your legs and hips and also feel that the couch is the support of your whole body." You are very relaxed, your whole body is limp. Imagine that you are at home, in a comfortable and cozy environment, where you are most comfortable to fall asleep and rest, you are very relaxed, fall asleep, sleep deep and listen to my voice. " In case the suggested person does not fall asleep, the hypnotist can switch attention to the hand of the patient: "Your hand is free, you feel it, now your fingers will start to move slowly, so they started to tremble." Then the hypnotist can slowly and carefully raise the patient's hand and suggest that the hand is light, like a feather: "As your hand rises, you fall asleep, and the brush slowly and smoothly begins to fall and fall." When she touches the couch, you will hear only my voice ".
  • In psychic hypnosis, it is very important to repeat certain commands by the hypnotist to strengthen the suggestion.
  • Essential elements are also the influence of the hypnotist on the person being inspired by his bioenergy.

On how to introduce a person into hypnosis, also read in our article How to hypnotize people.

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