In the world of childhood reign their laws, their own rules andown space. Children are completely different from adults. They are of a different height, they do not have such physical strength and mental skills. Often we forget, like this, to be a child.

We forget the difficultiesour children. How do they behave with adults and with other children, how do they react to everything around them? To understand this, let's first determine what childhood is?

Childhood is the first stage of human development,lasting for about 13 years. A person begins to understand the surrounding world and develops as an individual person. At this time, the character is formed, it is already possible to say on what the child will be when it grows up.

Three stages of childhood

There are three stages of childhood:

  • From birth to 3 years. Up to a year, children learn our world through their sensations. They completely depend on their parents and distinguish their moods in an angry or gentle tone of conversation. The child grows fast and adds weight, quickly changes. He learns to grab, crawl, walk, stand, sit. Starting from the year of life and up to two, the child begins to want attention to himself. He also knows this world with the help of sensations, shows curiosity and disobedience. From two years up to those, the kid becomes even more active and inquisitive. Coordination of his movements is not yet ideal. Imitation of adults, comparing themselves with them - favorite activities of this period of life.
  • From 3 to 6 years. The child develops as a person and more and more knows the world. His imagination works in full force, he learns to play with other children in simple and complex games. It is easy for him to inspire anything, since he is very trusting. Coordination of movements is already more developed. The kid does not mind boasting, and likes to be approved and praised in everything.
  • From 6 to 12 - 13 years, the thirdchildhood. The child gradually joins society, as he has reached school age. For the first time in his life, he has a sense of responsibility for visiting a school institution and doing homework. He forms his own tastes, a hobby and further develops as a person.

So speak us dictionaries, but, according to manypeople, childhood is not so easy to understand and explain. We understand that this is the initial period of our life, but how do the following periods differ from childhood?

We understand what childhood means like: this is absolutely carefree time of our life, we do not think about anything, but only strive to satisfy our primary needs. We love games and fun, but we do not want anything else.

This is not exactly the right opinion. In childhood we need not only games, every child is in dire need of protection, attention and care of parents. One should not think that this is a completely nonchalant time, because in adult life the problems become more serious. Children also have complex, intractable problems, they also know how to survive and even suffer. They, as we are happy and crying, are fighting for something and are defending their interests.

As a child, we go through a hard way of knowing the complex world. In order not to forget what childhood is, you just need to remember it.

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