There are situations when in any case it is impossibleallow yourself to cry. But it's very, very difficult to hold back tears. There are several ways that help to save face and give vent to feelings elsewhere and at other times.

Five Ways Not to Tear

Deep Breathing

The first method is the most simple - deep breathing. Often this is enough to relieve tension. It is necessary to make up to 15 deep breaths, while concentrating on the process itself.

Emotions under control

The cause of tears is always strongemotions that are difficult to control. Since they can not be controlled by everyone, you can try to distract yourself by switching from emotional experiences to physical ones. Naturally, you do not need to injure yourself, just a light bite or pinch. For a moment you will feel pain. These seconds are enough to pull yourself together.

We drink liquid

Perhaps you have seen how a personin a strong excitement they offer a glass of water. This method really helps to calm down. To keep back tears after an unpleasant conversation or during it, you need to drink a small sip of half a glass of plain water. If circumstances allow, it is not bad after that to wash with cool water or at least wipe your face with a damp napkin.

Switch attention

If tears are already ready to splash out of your eyes, thenA quick attention shift can slow down this process. It is necessary to start remembering any outside information: the data of your passport, the poem that you learned in school, the amount of bills last month, and so on.

Do not let us offend

In the case when your interlocutor brought you to tears,for example, your boss, then not to burst into tears in her office, mentally redirect her emotions to her. You can just get angry, but it is better to find something to regret: her nerves are not in order, and the haircut was not successful, and the menopause is not far off. In a word, in every concrete situation there is something suitable.

This topic is described in more detail in the article How not to cry.

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