Emotions in a dream are also symbols that are subject to interpretation. It is not necessary to dismiss them, it is better to be safe and find in dream books, which can be promised by this or that emotion.

From this article you can find out what the crying is about.

The total value of crying in a dream

Crying can be called a dual symbol, becauseit can promise a person both sad news and joyful events. It all depends on the plot of the dream, so it will be necessary to take into account also the others did. Perhaps, our article will help you to solve the dream. What if I dream that I'm crying.

Why does a woman cry?

If a woman was crying with someone, then they are waiting for her.joyful news. Also such a dream can promise her getting an expensive gift. To cry in a dream sobbing - to a quarrel with a lover, which will lead to a break in relations. That's only to regret it is not worth it, since the dreamer will soon meet a more worthy person. When other people cry in a dream, a woman will reconcile with her husband and harmony will ensue in the family.

If crying had a dream for a man

If a man imagined that he was crying, but fromeyes do not flow tears, then he should not give anybody any services in the near future, otherwise everything will come to him sideways. Weeping in a dream is for joyous events. Wipe away the tears of his second half - to a romantic meeting with her. Cry along with other people - to get things going; to hear crying, but not to see the person who is crying - to unpleasant events.

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Why cry to cry

What is the dream of tears

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