Girls are very interesting creatures. In addition to the usual set of functions of Homo Sapiens, girls, in contrast to the boys, can fit in themselves a lot of small things, often simply incomprehensible to the male mind. The girl can, in the opinion of the guy, without any reason to take offense, can at one point change the decision, and sometimes cry without good reason.

This behavior is often not understood by men, it is theirdisarms and leads to a dead end. And no wonder, if a guy is ready to understand why girls cry, in order to continue to know how to behave in a similar situation.

Tremble nerves

But not everything is so simple. The causes of women's tears can be very many, and they are very rare. That is, if today the girl cries, because her beloved person did not give flowers, then tomorrow she can cry from the fact that the flowers are donated, and she wanted a chocolate bar or a ringlet.

The reason for this behavior can be banallack of attention from the guy, and so the girl simply tries to draw attention to her person. Another way to reach out to a man's heart or purse is a girl who can not or does not want to, because she has been used to solving all her problems from her childhood.

Also, the girl's tears can be powerfuldevice manipulation of a man. Soblakavshis, for example, in the store, a girl from a man will get everything he wants. The same situation with the solution of various issues. If a girl can not achieve the desired result with her arguments, then why not use tears? After all, this "weapon" hits without a miss - the man immediately becomes more compliant.

Tears of pain

Women's tears can also have quitenormal cause: pain. If a person cries for pain, a girl will always understand him, as tears often help to alleviate her very suffering. And in this there is nothing shameful, after all, throwing out a stream of negative energy to a girl, and any person becomes much easier, and problems or pain do not seem so terrible.

Tears as a consequence of depression

If a girl is constantly crying, it can talkabout its depressive state, or about a serious enough disease that is of a psychological nature. Rare tears for relief - this is normal for a girl, but if tearfulness is a permanent condition, it is necessary to find the cause of it. It can be like an inability to solve a problem - you can manage it yourself, and a serious illness, when you need to contact specialists for treatment.

Tears in bed

Also, a man can face a situation,when a girl cries during sex. The situation is not very pleasant, but, most likely, there is nothing terrible in this. The reason may be that for the first time the girl will be so pleased that she wanted to express it somehow. Why tears? Then how it happened. Of course, a girl can cry and with pain, but then the man himself will have to understand it, having analyzed his behavior in bed.

Whatever the causes of women's tears, manuntil the end they still do not understand. You can try to do it, and the girl will appreciate it. But still it is better just to love the girl and take care of her, and the rest is perceived as a compulsory addition. After all, do not fight with what is not completely clear.

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