Who among us was not in love? The most gentle and romantic manifestation of sympathy, affection or even the first echoes of future love? Surely, many of us experienced this feeling for the first time when we went to kindergarten or primary school. And how many loves does young people have, whose heart is so open to the world? In adults, everything happens differently. Over time, they begin to feel embarrassed about this feeling and take it for manifesting their own weakness. But this is not so.

Causes of falling in love

Everything has its reasons, even with such a bright feeling as falling in love.

  • Loneliness. A person is able to fall in love with loneliness, or rather convince himself of it. The lack of caress and warmth, caring and support force people to seek, and even if he has nothing to do with him, to convince himself otherwise. Also very often this manifests itself in the creation of an idol, an inaccessible person, for example, a movie star. Feeling does not bind you to anything, but it does not hurt to suffer either. Usually, this ends badly, and girls are more likely to do this.
  • Sexual desire. There is nothing wrong with having a sexual desire for another person.
  • Habit. Long-term communication and finding a number of provoke the emergence of affection for each other, which is often understood by love.
  • Comfortable communication and similar interests, it happens,force people to look at each other. Not always falling in love is something sudden and inexplicable. This is perhaps the most healthy manifestation of this feeling, more often than others, flowing into love and a good marriage built on mutual respect. After all, the person himself was interested, and later fell in love.

Why do women fall in love?

Women tend to fall in love more than men,even if a woman's love is often unrequited and nothing further will follow. Some women prefer to hunt for men, calling each their "sacrifice" beloved, and someone, on the contrary, sighs to the beloved after. Why do women and girls fall in love? Here are a few reasons:

  • Sensation of safety. If on the way a girl gets a man or a young man who makes her feel completely safe, consider that she is half in love. No matter how modern female representatives boast of their independence and self-sufficiency, support and a sense of security are necessary for everyone.
  • Sense of humor. No matter how absurd it may sound, you can fall in love with jokes.
  • Appearance. And it happens, however, most often occurs in school time, although some experience this in adulthood. In love with a woman it seems that the beloved is the ideal of a person's appearance. This is how everyone should look, who strives for an ideal. This is a passing love, but it is also present in our life.
  • Respect. Do not be confused with the concept of "henpecked". Unfortunately, modern men do not really distinguish these two concepts. But the one who will take responsibility for the girl and show her real respect and care, in exchange will receive everything that she wants from the female side.

Also on this topic you can read our article Why do girls fall in love.

Why do men fall in love?

Men are polygamous by nature. Many of them are not interested in starting a long relationship or simply bored with this business. After all, relationships require work, in addition, some girls demand a lot from their chosen one, and in return give little, and not everyone wants to develop such relationships and work on them. But if the men fall in love, then in all seriousness, unlike the windy women. And they have their reasons for falling in love:

  • Appearance. Yes, for men, appearance is more important than for women. A well-groomed girl will always attract a lot of attention, even if she is just cute and sweet.
  • Care. A man will never give up caring, he will thank you, for example, for a cup of hot tea or massage.
  • Enthusiasm for his work / hobby. If you show sincere interest in his favorite pursuits, he will be flattered. Work hard and study those topics that interest him.
  • Femininity and softness. A man is always pleased to have alongside a pretty creature that requires his support and care.

From the article How do guys fall in love you can find out about how and why guys fall in love.

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