Every girl is tormented by the question, but is she in love with herA young man in it or just pretending? After all, you do not want to make a mistake and waste your valuable time on someone you care about. To know this for sure, you do not need to go to the fortune-teller, you just need to know how the guys fall in love, and after analyzing the situation and its behavior, you can soberly look at your relationship and decide on the break or continuation of the novel.

Read by face

Psychologists say that all emotions and feelingsany person is "written" on his face. This is due to the fact that far not many can constantly control their emotions, and it costs the guy to gape a little, as one can easily consider what he feels at that moment.

If the guy unconsciously slightly opens his mouth,raises eyebrows, then this facial expression is a sign of sympathy. You should also pay attention to his pupils: if at the sight of you they expand, it means that the guy is clearly indifferent to you.

Watch the gestures

At a meeting with the woman to whom he feedsromantic feelings, a man begins to "smarten up": to straighten clothes, smooth his hair, shake the dust particles that are invisible to the eye. Also trying to attract the attention of the lover, the representatives of the stronger sex straighten their shoulders and straighten up. Pay attention to the thumbs, if they are laid behind the strap, then this indicates a strong sexual interest. Thus, a man draws the girl's attention to the most important and significant part of her body.

Watch the poses

Girls who are unlucky in love, do not have muchpay attention, and often wonder, do boys fall in love at all? Of course, the representatives of the stronger sex fall in love, although they try to hide it carefully. But his love can be recognized by poses. As a rule, a loving guy often demonstrates to the object of his adoration quite cheeky poses. For example, sitting in a chair, he can widely spread his legs, or one leg to throw on the other. Thus, the guy emphasizes his sexuality and demonstrates his confidence in the girl. However, usually not all girls like this behavior, and many simply bypass these guys side.


In addition, attention should be paid toa guy's touch. During a conversation with a girl he liked, a man strokes his face, hair, which, according to sexologists, means strong sexual interest. In addition, a guy can, as if by accident, touch the girl he likes, for example, pat on the shoulder or take her by the hand. You should also pay attention to his views, as a rule, men seldom look down from the girl he likes. Now you know how the guys fall in love, and you will be assured of your choice.

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