The man begins to cry at the moment of hisbirth, and then, all his life does not lose this ability. Tears flow in moments of sorrow, grief, resentment, pity. Most often, children cry. Adult women begin to cry after 35 years. Before this age, crying needs a good reason. Men cry even less often. So, why do you want to cry to a man?

Psychological reasons

Psychologists say that a person cries fromself-pity. And, even if the situation does not concern him externally, he will still project it onto him, imagine how he feels in this situation, and begins to cry. For example, at a funeral a person cries because he sees death and understands that he can not escape it either. Looking at the pain of a sick person or animal, he imagines that he himself is sick. When a person loses a loved one, he regrets himself because he has become lonely. This is a very tough teaching, many will be able to argue with him, but this is the opinion of scientists. We in life explain weeping with sincerity, emotionality, vulnerability, sentimentality. Any of these qualities can cause crying.

Special opinion is expressed by the priests, responding tothe question is why one wants to cry in the church. They say that tears are a gift from God sent to us for purification. With tears, they argue, all the negatives accumulated in life go out. Some ministers of non-Orthodox currents say that this devil sitting in a man does not let him into church, sends a sob to a man. You can believe in any teaching, but no one will argue with the fact that a person goes to church to ask for help from the higher forces. He completely opens his soul, sincerely admits to himself that he will never tell anyone. And, he begins to be overwhelmed with self-pity, a martyr. Therefore, and there are tears, completely clean and honest.

Physiological causes

Doctors do not consider crying a pathology, for them it isnormal physiological phenomenon. From a medical point of view, crying is a consequence of heightened emotionality. At a time when a person can not cope with a difficult situation inside, the person's reaction starts to break out, attracting the attention of others with non-standard behavior. This is what motivates those around us, to start helping a person, to calm him down, to solve his problem. Remember why an infant is crying? At that moment, he needs something, and he can not yet say it in words. An adult can not always ask for help with words, so he cries. This theory fully answers the question, why do crying from the point of view of anatomy and sociology.

Increased tearfulness is observed in people withdiseases of the thyroid gland, because with her poor work the psyche becomes unstable. Also, because of a special hormonal background, women are whiny before the onset of menstruation. Also, hormones can start to be poorly developed under stress, insomnia, mental fatigue, heavy physical exertion. Try to relax more, change your activity.

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