To date, most usersPersonal computers use them, including, in order to type texts. It's really convenient. But let's consider how and by what to type the text on the computer. And what other additional opportunities in this area are offered by software developers.

Software for typing

Most often, one of theversions of Word (part of the MS Office package). In the Word it is very convenient to type, edit and even format the text. That is, this word processor will tell you the most obvious spelling and punctuation mistakes, and also allow you to select different fragments of text with different colors, font styles, sizes, etc. In a Word, you can even insert a picture, a table, a formula or another standard an object.

The main disadvantage of MS Word isthat it is paid. Many users do not think about it, since they often buy a computer in the store, which already has a minimum set of programs. Thus, the price for the MS Office package is already included in the cost of the computer.

Another program that is standardfor Windows, and with which you can also type texts - it's Notepad. This program is a text editor, and therefore has much less functionality. It will not point you to errors. And you can not insert extraneous objects into the text. But sometimes such an abbreviated set of editor functions can be enough.

These two programs are most often usedordinary users for a set of texts of the most varied orientation. Tips on how to quickly type text from the keyboard you will find in the article of our site - How to type correctly and quickly on the keyboard.

Fast typing

Not everyone can quickly print. Especially for those who want to learn how to do this as quickly as possible, special training programs have been developed. For example:

  • Stamina
  • 10palcami
  • Solo on the keyboard
  • Keyboard trainer iQwer
  • Keyboard simulator VerseQ
  • Hands of the soloist

For children, similar programs have been devised that teach the basics of the press in a playful form:

  • BabyType
  • Funny fingers
  • RapidTyping
  • Bomb 3D

Voice typing

To date, a number of programs have been created that allow you not to type text manually, but by voice dictate all the necessary information.

  • A fairly common example is the head text input in the Google Chrome browser - Google Web Speech;
  • Mobile devices from Apple are equipped with a special application for speech recognition based on the "voice engine" Siri;
  • Programs RealSpeaker PRO and Speechka also do well with their text recognition function, but they use Google's development;
  • There are also online services, for example,, which allow you to type text with your voice. works only in the Google Chrome browser.
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