Sometimes it becomes necessary to give a document,stored on the computer, a different name. It happens that you need to rename audio and video files, as well as text documents, pictures, photos and entire folders. How to do it? We will tell you how to rename a document in two simple and accessible ways.

Renaming through the context menu

  1. Find the desired document or folder.
  2. Select the folder or document icon with the mouse and click the right mouse button.
  3. In the opened context menu we find the item "rename" - it will be at the very bottom of the list.
  4. We move the cursor to this point and click the left mouse button - the frame with the name will become white, and the text will be highlighted with a blue marker.
  5. Press on the keyboard key "←" ("Backspace") or "Delete" - the text disappears.
  6. We introduce a new name.
  7. Press the "Enter" key.

Rename Directly

  1. Find the desired document or folder.
  2. Select the folder or document icon with the mouse.
  3. Point the cursor at the name (the field with the text under the icon of the document).
  4. Click on it with the left mouse button.
  5. Erase the name using the "←" ("Backspace") or "Delete" keys.
  6. We introduce a new name.
  7. Press the "Enter" key.

Renaming the My Documents folder

On the desktop is not the folder itself, but only its label. Therefore, selecting the icon of the shortcut for this folder, it will not be possible to rename it. How do I rename the My Documents folder?

  1. Open the system drive C.
  2. We find the folders "Users" - "General" - "Administrator" - "My Documents".
  3. Next, change the name first or second way, as for a regular folder or any document.
  4. Remove the old shortcut from the desktop and create a new shortcut to the already renamed folder.
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