While working with texts, many people admiterrors of a different kind. And sometimes it is very difficult to find an error in the text, even rereading it several times, so all texts should be checked in special programs.

You can check the text for errors with the following programs:

  • Microsoft Word;
  • text.ru
  • advego.ru
  • istio.ru
  • api.yandex.ru

Microsoft Word

The easiest and easiest way to find errors in any given text is to use the Microsoft Word program. For this:

  1. In the program, go to the Review tab.
  2. Choose the command "Spelling".
  3. After the Spelling dialog box opens, all errors that are present in the text will be marked. The program will offer one or more options for correcting the wrong word.
  4. Choose the appropriate replacement option and click "Replace".
  5. If the program does not offer an option for replacement, we correct the word with an error.

This program does not always work correctly. It can highlight errors that are not really there. This applies to proper names, which are not in the dictionary. In this case, you can skip the error or add it to the dictionary, while the program will no longer highlight it as an error.

Online Programs

Check the text for errors you can not only withusing Microsoft Word, but also using online resources. It is worth noting that many online programs only check spelling errors, and lexical, grammatical and morphological errors remain unchanged. Programs operate on the same principle:

  1. You must insert the text.
  2. Click "check for errors".
  3. If there are errors in the text, the program will select them and offer options for replacing them. You only need to choose the appropriate option.


text.ru - an online resource that allows you to check the following:

  • spelling mistakes;
  • typos;
  • extra spaces;
  • Absence of capital letters;
  • grammatical errors;
  • logical errors.

In order to check the text for errors, you need to go here.


This online program quickly copes withverification of texts of various subjects. After the scan, you can view the statistics of the text, which will indicate all the errors, including the number of words and symbols. You can use this service on the advego website.


This program fixes errors in the text onfunctionality is similar to the previous one. Also, there are statistics in it and words with errors are highlighted in red. The program is available at istio.com.


Yandex Speller is a program based onis a spelling dictionary, so it copes well with the search for spelling errors. It should be noted that the program works with Russian, Ukrainian and English languages. If you need to check the text for errors with this program, you should go to the official website of Yandex Speller.

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