Everyone needs to be able to express their thoughtsbeautifully and competently. This can be an interview during the device for work, passing a test or exam. Thanks to the rich vocabulary, each of us can master oratorical art or just learn how to conduct a conversation.

How to learn to competently talk: tips

First of all, you need to read as many books as possible,and it is desirable to stop your attention not on modern authors, but on the classics. You can choose the classics of the early twentieth century, for example, the books of Mikhail Bulgakov.

It is very good to train in front of a mirror, after allthis not only allows you to follow the speech, but also behind the figure, and also behind the gestures. For example, if you watch another movie or read a book, you should be able to retell its content to yourself.

Choose a vocabulary

You need to be able to control your speech. Do not use extra words. It is very important to get rid of the words-parasites, for example, "like", "well", "type". Also, do not use jargon: "cool", "sucks" and so on. It is not recommended to constantly use personal pronouns constantly, alternate them with names. This is especially true when you tell a story from life or just retell a movie.

Try to formulate your thoughts as possiblemore clearly, so that the suggestions you said did not cause unnecessary questions. It is also not recommended to make too long pauses between sentences. At the same time, there is no need to chatter. It is useful to study synonyms - these words will help enrich your vocabulary. Do not use words that you do not know yourself, especially for foreign words. To learn how to build sentences and pronounce them clearly, without hesitation, you should practice well.

Learn to communicate

It is also always necessary to consider who you are withConduct a conversation. Some people will perfectly understand you if you use any slang in your vocabulary. And it may not be people from your environment. For example, among workers in the workshop let even different factories use any slang can be quite natural. But with people who are "not in the subject", these words and expressions should not be used.

It is strongly discouraged to use in speechprofanity. Even if you want to give emotional color to your phrases, it's still better to use literary words. In the network, you can find a lot of synonyms of mats, which can be used in colloquial speech.

Be friendly and polite to people. To cause people to respect and interest in communication, speak clearly and in the matter, know how to listen and support the conversation.

In communication it is important to remember the saying: "Tell what you think. Think what you say." Do not rash, do not say too much. In the end, it's better to say less, but always on business.

You can also use our other articles:

  • How to learn how to communicate
  • How to speak correctly
  • How to speak clearly
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