Ability to communicate easily with people - not alwaysnatural quality. Nevertheless, any of us would like to be considered an interesting interlocutor. To learn this is not always easy, but it is real. Consider two fundamental moments of communication - the ability to listen and the ability to express their thoughts.

Why is it important to listen?

Perhaps you noticed that people who do not say much, sometimes respond like very interesting interlocutors. It's because they can listen. How can this be learned?

  • Learn to listen without interrupting, especially if a person shares his problem with you.
  • Ask questions to get into the subject of the conversation. So you show that you really sincerely are interested in the interlocutor, and then he will have a pleasant impression of you and of the conversation as a whole.

Art of speaking

Talking to people is much easier when we are good at expressing our thoughts. To become an interesting interlocutor, improve your speech skills:

  • Try to read more. With a well-read and educated person it is much more interesting to communicate, to the opinion of such people listen more readily, they make a good impression.
  • In a dispute, you know how to argue your point of view without going over to individuals.
  • Avoid boasting, the inclination to immediately advise someone to talk to your interlocutor, do not try to dominate the conversation at any cost.

Also you can benefit from our article. How to become interesting.

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