Today we often ask ourselves the question: "Who are we? Where do our roots come from? "But we do not always find the answer to our question: time has passed, many lost and forgotten, and it is not easy to find ancestors by their surnames, but our roots go back to the distant past of ancient times, but, respecting the memory of our ancestors, to the history, to the history of its kind.

Origin of the surname

Scientists-historians in our time are activework in the search for roots by last name. On the Internet, special websites have been created where you can conduct your research, and if you are lucky, you will find traces of your ancestors. You can look through dictionaries, reference books, in which the meaning of your name is written. It can come from the kind of occupation of the father of the family, that is, your distant relative. For example, "Cooper's son is a bondard." The names that were descended from the princely family were called like the lands that were in their possessions. Vyazemsky, Shuisky - that's an example. Surnames came from the churches in which the clergy ruled, as well as the geographical location of the area.

If independent research for you did not giveno clue, then you can contact the Genealogy Research Center or on his website, his address is It is designed to help those who want to learn their genealogical tree, who do not want to lose their roots. On you can find out how to find your ancestors whose roots go back to pre-revolutionary times. The site is provided with a database, which is constantly updated. There are no analogues of this system on the Internet, so you have the opportunity to find ancestors by name for free.

Search through the archive

If you have the opportunity and the time to do this,to turn to archival institutions, then set yourself up for what you need to spend a lot of time and leaf through a lot of literature. In this case, you should know the most minimal information about your ancestors, in particular about the place where they lived. In the archive you must write a request and its employees in the card file will search for references to a particular family name. Immediately can find out the information when a person was born, who his parents are. Gradually, the "glomerulus unwound" and the genealogical tree begins to be drawn.

Internet search

By the link http: // you can also tell where to find ancestors. Having visited the site FamilySpace, you will see that there is a unique information about genealogy. Here you can get a lot of new things about your roots. People are searched by profession, region and last name. The information on the site is constantly being updated. And if you registered here, but did not find the one you were looking for, then you can just wait. When you see the information you are interested in, you will receive a notification. The site provides an instruction, which describes in detail how to use the site. The opportunity to find their ancestors is provided for free on this site.

If you have a relative about the relativesinformation: place of residence, name, then you can check where they used to live. Surely, there are old residents who can remember these people. It often happens that in the attics can lie abandoned old photographs, which for you would be of great value. Older people, usually, do not immediately want to remember the past, but when the conversation is gaining strength, you can learn many interesting facts.

TV shows

If you want to find your ancestors by last name,who are still alive, but lost somewhere for one reason or another, please contact the website "Wait for me" at There is a simple system of people search, which will give you the opportunity to see if someone is looking for you from relatives and friends, and you can also apply for the search for the person you need.

Design your family tree, while there issuch an opportunity, while grandparents are alive. Let there remain a story for future generations, let your great-grandchildren know and remember their ancestry. Leave your photos for them, and time will pass, and the successors of your kind will know you.

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