Not a name paints a person, but a personlast name. This folk saying, of course, about the name of the person says, but what's the difference? After all, the surname is also a visiting card of the person! There are times when the name, for example, Goloviy, as soon as it is not mutilated. But a person is ashamed and offended. So, how do you bend the names to-you?

The rules for declining surnames to -vy

If the surname is incorrectly pronounced somewhere in thethe company of friends is one thing, but if it was inaccurately written in the document - this is a real embarrassment, fraught with the alteration of important papers. Let's try, on the basis of the educational and methodological advice of NA Eskova, to understand what are the rules and subtleties of declining surnames with the ending -vy.

Everyone knows that the names, like the names, are dividedfor men and women. All female surnames ending in -vii do not bow. And this applies to both single and plural. For example, Lisovy Marina Sergeevna in any case and number will only be Lisovy. And this name can not be written otherwise.

How are the male names leaning?

Now let's look at the male names that are declined. So, how do you bend the names to-you? Makavy Andrey in the singular is written in the following cases:

I.P. - Makaviy Andrey

R.P. - Makavia Andrew

D.P. - Makavia Andrew

V.P. - Makavia Andrew

Etc. - Makavi Andrew

Subway - Makavev Andrey

Declination of this surname in the plural:

I.P. - Makavii

R.P. - Makaviev

D.P. - Makaviyam

V.P. - Makaviev

T.P. - by the Macawias

Settlements - Makaviyah

The surnames of -yu will tend in the pluralnumber, if it is only about men. if only women or women and men are spoken together, then the surnames of -vi are not inclined: Elena and Stepan Makavius. Thus, on our examples, you can easily understand how to incline the surname to -vi.

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