Only yesterday your baby timidly made the first timid steps, but today he has grown enough to go to a kindergarten? But is it worth giving the child to a kindergarten? Let's talk about it.

Parental fears

Fears of my mother are understandable. Previously, she devoted all her time to the baby, now she will have to trust his strangers. Anxiety here is quite understandable, but there is no need to make hasty conclusions. The decision to give the crumbs to the garden is left to you. Calmly, weigh everything, taking into account the important points of this issue.

One of the main fears of parents decisiveto give a child to a kindergarten, are fears that their child will be constantly ill. Indeed, children who are in the team are much more likely to catch this or that infection. But sometimes a child is better to have rubella or measles in childhood. If the parents, having determined the child in the garden, will continue to take care of his health, the period of adaptation in most cases will pass painlessly.

The next important question that excitesParents: how much to give the child to a kindergarten? Often parents are not in a hurry to give the baby to the garden, referring to the fact that the youngster is still very small. Today, many children's doctors and psychologists are unanimous - it is best to identify in a kindergarten from three years. By this time it is desirable to decide whether your child will go to the garden.

He will not like it there

It is necessary to agree that some children do not like to visit the kindergarten. If a child does not want to go to the garden, there may be several explanations.

  • I do not like food. Of course, the food in the kindergarten will be different from the home diet. If everything is serious, you can explain it to the teachers. Ask them, at least temporarily, not to force the child to eat in the kindergarten. In the end, the cases when a child dies of hunger, sitting at a table with food, are unknown.
  • Does not fit into the collective. If within a year your child has not been entered into the children's collective, this is a clear sign that he needs the help of a psychologist. By the way, if a child is sitting at home, it is obviously harder to notice such a problem.
  • Bad teacher. The main reason why a child does not want to visit the garden. To find out how to take care of your child, try to ask him in the form of a game. For example, you can play with him in a kindergarten. Playing, offer him the role of educator. Carefully observe - if there are problems, you will notice them. Try to discuss the situation with the tutor. If this does not help, move the child to a nearby kindergarten.

To stay home

Some parents decide not to give the child togarden. Such a decision imposes additional responsibility on them. If the child does not go to kindergarten, it is up to you to take responsibility for the child's socialization, for his ability to feel at ease, being among people. Here the main thing is not to be lazy, and to actively attend children's activities together with the child, to walk with him on the playground, read books, etc. Also remember that now the task of preparing a child for attending school completely falls on your shoulders. As you can see, there is no, and can not be, a single advice whether to give the child to the garden. After all, only parents can decide what will be better for their baby.

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