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Than to eat correctly?

Talk about a healthy lifestyle in the lasttime is very relevant, especially for balanced and healthy nutrition. Therefore, below we will talk about what is useful to eat, what products to give preference to and how to always feel cheerful and healthy.

What and how to eat properly

For normal operation of the human bodyneed proteins, fats, trace elements, vitamins and carbohydrates. How to eat better during pregnancy, we already told in the article - How to eat right during pregnancy. Now let's talk about what products are useful for the human body:

  • Lean meat and fish.
  • Fruits and vegetables.
  • Low-fat dairy products, cottage cheese, kefir and sour cream.
  • Cereals and pasta from durum wheat.
  • Nuts and dried fruits.
  • Natural juices, herbal teas and green tea.

About why you should prefer these products, you will learn from our article - The better to eat.

And do not forget that the specificthe diet depends on the goal pursued by the person, namely: he wants to lose weight or recover, gain muscle mass or reduce its number. Detailed information on this is contained in the article - How to eat right.

And in general, if we talk about what it is useful to eat, then give preference to natural food, rather than semi-finished products and shop snacks.

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