The bronze color of sunburn has long ceased to bea sign of summer and warmth. People use the services of the solarium, and have a healthy and beautiful skin color all year round. This article will be devoted to questions on the topic of how best to tan.

Before you go to sunbathe, wherever you go (to the beach or to the solarium), you need to prepare and stock up on tanning, the latter depends on where and how you are going to sunbathe.


Sunburn obtained in the solarium, of course, differs from the natural, but it has a number of pluses and the main one is that you can sunbathe all year round.

To begin with, let's look at the solarium in which to sunbathe. And in order to give an answer to this question, it is necessary to understand the main types of solariums:

  • Horizontal, sunbathing in such solariumsit is necessary to lie down, while the parts of the body on which you lie touch the glass, which causes some discomfort, and can lead to the fact that the tan will not lie exactly.
  • Vertical. In this solarium, you tan standing, which excludes contact with the surfaces of the device, and your body is equidistant from the lamps of the solarium, which allows you to get an even tan throughout the body.

The time of tanning in any case depends on the power of the lamps used in the apparatus. Each person chooses in which solarium to sunbathe better, taking into account their own preferences.

Tips: How to better tan in a solarium

  • Before going to the solarium, you need to wash off the make-up from your face.
  • Before you visit the solarium, you need to take a shower to wash off various cosmetic products (creams, lotions, perfumes, etc.) from the skin and dry yourself.
  • Protect all areas with a delicate skin: eyes, lips, halo (sensitive area of ​​skin around the nipples).
  • The defense also needs hair.
  • Consider your skin type when calculating the tanning time in a tanning salon. In the first trips to the solarium should not sunbathe more than 5 minutes, after several procedures you can increase the time spent in the solarium.
  • Attend the solarium maximum 2-3 times a week, with an interval of at least two days.
  • Use cosmetics specially designed for tanning in a solarium, the usual means for sunburn here will not help you. On the types of funds we will dwell in detail later in the article.
  • If you burned when you visit the solarium, then next time go for less time, and only after the skin is fully restored.

Means for sunburn in the solarium

Cosmetics for a tanning salon can be divided into the following groups:

  • Prolongators. Designed to increase the retention time of sunburn.
  • Developers. Promote a faster appearance of tanning, by accelerating the process of producing melanin.
  • Activators are designed to enhance the tint.

Means for sunburn in the solarium containmoisturizing components, which prevents overdrying of the skin. In addition, it will be useful to use the cream and lotions after sunburn, this will calm the skin, moisturize it, and prolong the joy of sunburn.

Also it is worth considering the contraindications to visiting the solarium:

  • Oncological diseases
  • Thyroid gland diseases
  • Inflammatory processes in the body, as well as skin inflammation.
  • Pregnancy
  • Disturbance of skin pigmentation
  • For people with the first skin type (light, thin skin, with freckles), it is contraindicated to sunbathe in tanning salons.

The sun

In the conditions of modern ecology, it is very importantconsider that the sun can be quite dangerous. Especially it concerns the midday hours, that is, the sun. At this time, do not sunbathe in direct sunlight, because in the shade you also sunbathe.

Where to sunbathe best

Do not say that the color of the tan dependsnot only on the type of skin, but also on where you tan, so the tan has more juicy shades than the tan obtained from the freshwater river. However, not everyone can boast of the constant proximity of the sea, and then when choosing a place for sunburn, the best option is the beach. After a tan at a reservoir to lay down faster, and humidity of air and an opportunity to plunge, allow a skin to keep a moisture.

Tips: sunbathing in the sun

  • Gradually increase the amount of time spent in the sun. It starts from 10-15 minutes. After all, if you immediately burn, then a beautiful tan will not work.
  • Even if there are clouds in the sky, the likelihood of burning is not lost, so limit stay under the sun in the early days, even in cloudy weather.
  • If you are sunbathing, then do not forget to turn over and change your positions regularly, so that the sunburn falls flat.
  • If you spend a lot of time in the water, it is advisable to swim in a T-shirt to avoid sunburn, as the tan falls more quickly in water.
  • With active games on the beach, tanning is better, do not forget to use protective means to avoid scorching.
  • Use tanning protection appropriate to your skin type, at least in the early days, so that the skin has time to adapt to the sun.
  • Apply protective agents evenly, otherwise you will not get a very nice tan, and will look like a leopard.
  • In the first days it is worth using stronger anti-tanning equipment, and then gradually reduce the level of protection, and after 4-5 days altogether to abandon it.
  • Means for sunburn should be used no earlier than 4-5 days stay in the sun.
  • Do not sunbathe if you belong to the owner of the first type of skin, better stay in the shade, the right dose of vitamin D, you will get there.

Now you know how best to sunbathe in the sun and in the solarium. In conclusion, if you are still burned, how to treat sunburn, you can here - "How to treat sunburn?".

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