Before you look for ways to remove hairForever from the skin of the face and other parts of the body, you should find out the cause of excessive hair growth. As experts note, in women the most frequent vegetation appears in such cases:

  • the period of menopause;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • disturbances in the work of the hormonal system, when the body produces an increased amount of male hormones;
  • puberty, which initiates a change in the structure of the hair, that is, if the hairs on the skin of the girl were barely noticeable, they begin to coarsen, to turn dark;
  • with hirsutism - a disease in whichis characterized by the presence in the body of a woman of a large number of male sex hormones (the more a woman becomes, the more her hair appears on her body).

Medication hair removal

In order to remove the hair on the face forever,hormonal preparations can be used. But first you need to visit a doctor who will help establish the cause of the appearance of excessive vegetation. Do not forget that the intake of all medications must be coordinated with a specialist, and not take them uncontrollably. So, to medicines that reduce the growth of hair on the skin, are:

  • "Spironolactone" - a drug that blocks the effect of androgens on the hair follicles and at the same time stops the formation of androgens in the body.
  • Birth control pills. However, only some of the drugs in this group contribute to a significant reduction in hair.
  • "Ketoconazole" reduces the formation of male hormones in the female body, thereby reducing the amount of hair on the skin.

The hormonal system requires a largeattention, so once again we will emphasize that the intake of any of the above drugs should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor. Do not prescribe yourself medicines, unless you are a specialist in medicine and pharmaceuticals.

Cosmetic hair removal

To date, most womenprefer to use cosmetic methods to remove hair on legs forever. To do this, they turn to beauty salons or use hair removal devices at home. Also, hair can be removed with the help of cosmetics in the bikini zone, on the face, on the hands and on other parts of the body.

Salon hair removal methods

How to remove unwanted hair forever? You will benefit from various types of modern hair removal that are offered in beauty salons. These include photoepilation, electro-epilation, laser hair removal and elos-hair removal.

Photoepilation. The essence of the method is that a bundle of concentrated light processes the skin areas. This light enters the hair follicle, destroys it and blocks the growth of the hair. The darker the hair and the lighter the skin, the more effective this epilation method works. Photoepilation gives a long-term, and in some cases, a permanent effect, eliminating unnecessary hair forever.

Electrolysis. A very thin needle is inserted into the hair bulb and destroys it with a current. Hair ceases to grow. To achieve the desired effect, it is better to conduct 5-7 procedures.

Laser hair removal. The hair bulb and its root are destroyed by a laser. Laser hair removal is most suitable for removing dark hair. You also need to repeat the procedure several times.

Elos-epilation is photo and electro-epilationtogether. Thus, the hair bulb is destroyed under the simultaneous action of current and light. This is the most modern method, which will get rid of all unwanted hair.

Hair Removal in Folk Methods

How to remove hair permanently folk remedies? There are several options.

To remove unwanted facial hairuse a solution of the drug "Rivanol" 1: 1000. They need to lubricate the skin, and soon the hair on it will stop growing. Also from the hair on the face helps the juice of wild grapes, which also need to wipe the skin.

Get rid of hair on your legs and arms will helpshugaring. We take 3 tbsp. l. water, 200 g. of sugar and citric acid. Sugar is mixed with acid, then add water and cook, stirring constantly, until the mixture begins to resemble pasta in consistency. Then the mixture is slightly cooled and in a warm form is applied to the hair. When the drug dries, pull it against the growth of hair.

Make hair removal in the bikini area will helppotassium permanganate. Mix a bit of potassium permanganate with water and do once a day in the evening steam baths for the intimate zone for twenty minutes. Soon the hair will begin to fall out.

Another option is to take 40 grams of dioecious seeds (!) nettle and pour oil (100 ml.). Then it is necessary to insist for two weeks, and then strain the infusion and store in a jar with a lid. Apply this drug twice a day, they lubricate the skin.

Means and methods for removing hair theremany, but are they effective? Can I permanently remove my hair? Yes it is possible. The best options are salon procedures, the most effective hair removal, the types of which we described above. If you want to achieve complete hair removal at home using folk remedies, then you better perform the necessary procedures as often as possible and by all means.

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