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How to remove facial hair?

Hair on the face is a real problem formost of the fair sex. After all, they believe that this defect spoils their appearance. However, there are ways by which it can be eliminated. Below you can find out how to remove facial hair.

The causes of the appearance of facial hair

Most often, the hair on the face appears for a reasonhormonal failure. The body begins to produce more male sex hormones. In this case, you need to contact an endocrinologist to prescribe a therapy. In a few months it will be possible to neutralize the failure, and the hair will disappear.

In some cases, this problem ishereditary, and treatment in this case does not help. In this case, you need to use one of the methods of hair removal. More about the causes of excess vegetation on the face can be read in our article - Why the face grows hair.

Than to remove hair on the face

There are many ways that you can remove facial hair. You just need to choose the most suitable method and leave your complexes for good.


You can remove facial hair with tweezers. Of course, this is quite a long time, but, nevertheless, you can not worry about vegetation for up to 5 days. This procedure is considered budgetary and not very painful.


Hair on the face can be easily discolored. To do this, you can use the following tools:

  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • lemon juice;
  • perhydrol;
  • special cream.

Using this or that remedy, remember that they can cause an allergic reaction. Use them will need to be every 2 days.

Wax and sugar

Remove unwanted hair from your face when youwax, the result will last up to 6 weeks. Alternatively, you can advise epilation with sugar, this procedure is called sludge. That's just the hair should be a certain length, so for a while you will have to walk with a mustache.

Depilatory cream

Hair removal can be done with the help of creamsfor depilation. They are inexpensive, but the result remains up to 7 days. One of the drawbacks of this procedure is that some products cause allergies and do not suit women with sensitive skin. They also often cause the growth of thicker hairs, which will subsequently be more difficult to remove.


This procedure is one of the mosteffective methods of removing hairs on the face. In the course of it under the influence of low-voltage electricity, the hair follicle is destroyed, and as a result, the hair ceases to grow forever. However, in order to achieve lasting results, it will take many hours to go through the procedures, which can last for several months. A huge disadvantage of electrolysis is its cost, which not everyone can afford.


Laser beam - the most reliable destroyerhair follicles. In one session, you can remove up to a thousand hairs. Also, their growth slows down, but to get rid of the problem forever, several sessions will be required. This procedure is painless.


Thanks to this procedure it will be possible to remove up to 30% of hair. Everything happens absolutely painless, moreover, photoepilation does not cause allergies, and there are practically no contraindications.

Another few ways to get rid of unwanted vegetation on your face can be gleaned from our article How to get rid of facial hair.

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