If you are tired of your friends in anysocial network, but you will not leave permanently from there, you can simply remove all friends from there. How to delete all friends at once, no one knows, since the service for simultaneous removal does not exist. If you want to get rid of all your friends at once, then you have to sweat pretty, selecting each friend individually and clicking on the "delete" icon. But let's look at step-by-step how to remove all friends.

Consistency in deleting friends

First you need to click on the icon«To look all». You can find it under friends' avatars when you go to your own page. Now before you will open a list of friends, from which you want to get rid in the near future. On the right side of each avatar you can find a small cross that will need to be clicked. Now you will see an inscription that asks you if you are sure that you want to delete a friend. If you click "ok", then this friend will disappear forever from your personal page.

So, delete all friends in theclassmates can be in order, doing the above actions under each friend's avatar. To achieve the result, you will need several hours of monotonous work. After a certain amount of time you can be glad that you have become an owner of a completely empty account in a social network without friends.

You should do the same if youWant to learn how to delete all Vkontakte friends. All social networks are similar to each other, their interface is identical, so the actions will have to be the same.

However, if you have too muchfriends that remove them all one by one is not possible, then the best option is to delete the page in the social network. In the "Settings" you can find a function such as "Delete account." Click on this icon, and now you will be removed. If possible, you can use the function to restore the personal page. Now you can register a new page, which will be clean from friends.

Social networks are tightly integrated into our everydaylife and today we do not imagine without them a single day. To return to the real world, we have to either delete all friends, or completely delete your account.

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