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How do I refill HP 122?

Today in many houses there is such a usefulThe device is like a printer. Thanks to him, you can print out documents for work, photos, as well as print reports, abstracts and other teaching materials to school, college or university. The printer has become a very useful thing in everyday life, however, you need to know how to use it correctly.

Some difficulties arise when necessaryrefill the cartridge manually with paint. This, of course, can be paid for in any service or hardware store, however, many want to refill the cartridge themselves at no extra cost.

Consider how to fill the HP 122 cartridge.

How to refill HP 122 cartridge black and color

The cartridge is often used until the end, until the color isand then leave it blank until the next time you need to print it again. However, this is incorrect and it is necessary to refill the cartridge immediately after it has run out. The longer the cartridge is kept empty, the harder it will be to fill in properly and well. Otherwise, the print head of the cartridge can dry out very much, and it will have to be ejected and buy a new cartridge.

In addition, do not print until the moment,when the cartridge is consumed completely. If you are warned by the program about the resulting ink or the print becomes pale, then it's time to refill the cartridge. This happens when the ink runs out, as a result, nozzles inside the cartridge can burn, and then it will become useless.

To properly and properly refill the cartridge, you must:

  1. Clean the print head (nozzle plate) of the cartridge with a clean damp cloth.
    HP 122
  2. Place the print cartridge on the print head on a clean cloth.
  3. Remove the sticker from the cartridge so that open the holes for refilling. The sticker should not be removed completely, because it is needed. It is enough just to expose the holes.
  4. Take the filling syringe and collect the required amount of ink of the desired color.
  5. Puncture the filler with the syringe needle into the holethe right color. To determine the color of the ink in the hole, if not indicated on the cartridge or documents, you just need to pierce the filler and pull out with a clean needle.
  6. Ink slowly and gently in theApertures, while ink through an aperture will not begin to appear. This will let us know that the cartridge is full. For all holes of different colors, you need to repeat these manipulations.
  7. Before refueling with another color, eitherchange the needle, or rinse with distilled water and dry, so that there is no ink left in someone else's color, otherwise the ink in the cartridge will mix and you will spoil it.
  8. After refueling, pull the needle out of the hole and blot it with a clean cloth so that the ink does not mix.
    HP 122
  9. Seal the cartridge with a sticker so that it is likebefore - the holes were tightly closed, and through the grooves air came. That is why it is not necessary to unfasten the sticker completely at the beginning of the work, in order not to stick it back correctly for a long time.
  10. Clean the print head and the contact plate with a dry cloth.
  11. Insert the cartridge into the printer correctly, as in the instructions, and check the cartridge by typing a checklist, as indicated in the printer's instruction manual.

It is very important not to confuse the color of the holes tothe cartridge has not deteriorated. You can find out the color of the holes from the documentation or by an experienced needle. And on different cartridges the arrangement of colors can change, therefore after purchase of the new it is necessary to concern attentively to it.

After all the manipulations, the cartridge will print correctly and correctly if you follow the instructions.

Also you can read our following articles:

  • What is a cartridge
  • How to reset the chip | Zeroing Hewlett Packard cartridges
  • How to refill cartridges
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