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How to create your own computer?

The acquisition of a new computer often involves choosing a variety of options for components that must meet the requirements of the buyer. To simplify your life, it's easier to assemble a PC from scratch.

Choice of accessories

Depending on the field of application of the PC, you need to choose the components.

  1. The processor is the main computing corecomputer. Depending on the number of computing centers, there are single-core and multi-core versions, corresponding to different degrees of complexity of information processing.
  2. The motherboard is the main element on whichthe rest of the components are placed. Has a form (form factor), under which the body is fitted. It is selected for the socket of the processor (ie socket). It also has outputs for RAM, video card and other components of the system. It is able to connect the action of all the components of a personal computer.
  3. Select the enclosure should be based onform factor of the motherboard (ATX, miniATX, etc.). To create a computer, all hardware components are installed in the chassis. There are vertical and horizontal cases.
  4. The power supply unit supplies electricity to a constantcurrent nodes of the computer, converting the mains voltage to the required value. The PSU can protect the computer from voltage drop, also takes part in cooling PC components. The modern power supply is ATX.
  5. RAM - Instant Memorycomputer, which stores information in it until the computer is completely rebooted (ie, power off). The amount of RAM varies from 512 MB (which now becomes quite a rare phenomenon) to 16 GB. Depending on the connectors of the motherboard differs by the families of DDR, DDR2, DDR3, DDR4. Important parameters of the operating memory are not only the volume, but also the frequency of the exchange with the motherboard bus.
  6. A hard disk is a device for storing information. It connects to the motherboard using SATA and IDE ports. Compared with the RAM stores information always up to physical destruction or rewriting. The volume of hard drives varies from 40 GB (which now becomes a rare phenomenon) to 2 TB.
  7. A video card is a playback devicegraphic information (video stream, games). They are divided into integrated and external. Integrated video cards are immediately integrated into the processor (typical for mobile devices), and external cards are placed on the motherboard. The latter are much more powerful and productive than the first.
  8. DVD-RW drive is a device for reading and writing information from hard drives (disks).

Having determined with the components, it is necessary to calculate the total capacity of the system (to summarize the capacities of each component) and to select a power supply with a rating higher than the total capacity of the system.

Direct assembly

  1. To begin with, you need to insert the power supply in the empty case.
  2. Then insert the motherboard, and screw it to the side panel of the case.
  3. Carefully install the processor on the motherboard (be careful, do not bend the contact feet on the processor).
  4. Insert in the slots on the motherboard RAM and video card.
  5. Install the hard drive and DVD-RW drive behind the front of the case.
  6. Connect the motherboard pins to the Power and Reset buttons on the front of the case.
  7. Power from the power supply: motherboard, hard drive and DVD drive.
  8. Turn on the PC.

Now you know how to create your own computer.

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