Modern Internet can not imaginewithout any possible references. They are present on any site and provide convenient "surfing" for documents and web pages. Next, let's talk about how to create a link to a file in a few seconds.

The first step is to upload a document to the site and copy the path to it to the clipboard. After that, you need to enter the location address of the file (along with the extension of the file) to the form:

<a href="link to a document or archive"> its name </a>

Next, we enter the title of the document and place itthe resulting line to the place on the page where you want to see the link to the downloaded file. If you do everything correctly, the user's browser omits everything "superfluous" and will show only the information enclosed in angle brackets> and <Clicking on it, the visitor of your site will be able to open the file you downloaded or download it to your computer / laptop / tablet .

Now you know how to make a link to a file. Use our tips and you will succeed.

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