Probably every person who does not even understandcomputer technology, knows about the existence of the server. And it can even say that this device is designed to create a network in order to store information, network resources, and maintain it in a healthy state.

In our article you will find detailed information onsuch a frequently asked question: what is a server? Immediately give a definition. A server is a special computer that differs in configuration from an ordinary personal one in that it is able to provide some services, namely, the ability to connect many computers into a single, unique team.

In order for you to have a more in-depth concept of what the server does, we will introduce several types of their currently existing varieties.

The main purposes of the servers

  • The first and most likely common speciesservers, is a file server. The essence of this device is that the server has large hard disks, due to which centralized storage of information is performed on the network to which each connected computer has access. This information is sorted, sometimes there are protected files that need a password. The main advantage of this server is that the information is always reliably stored on it (even if the server fails, the network data will always be available), such a feature.
  • This type of server is also common.postal. The question is: why do we need a server, also a mail server. The fact is that in large, huge companies with a large number of employees, for whom it is important to constantly access the Internet and work with e-mail, and put a mail server that delivers these services to company personnel. This server has high technical characteristics, such as: a huge amount of RAM, which helps to work faster with files and data, as well as a reliable, high-speed hard drive. Thanks to these indicators, the mail server is quite reliable in its use. This server has such features that makes it profitable for use in medium and large companies:
    • Acceptable price.
    • Thanks to him, a network is organized and teamwork is also always quick access to information, disks, printers and other devices.
    • Power and reliability. The mail server uses a large number of processors, which give us stability and speed of data processing.
    • As we already said, this mail server givesus the ability to work with e-mail (thanks to this, company employees can send various documents, information, and faxing over the network).
  • One kind of server is, socalled proxy server. What is a proxy server, what functions does it perform? This device is also a special computer that performs the function, first of all, of protecting your computer from network attacks (the server blocks malicious sites, resources), and also saves information about the pages you visit (caches them), so Internet browsing becomes much faster and better for the user. The server records your connection sessions, works together with a firewall (a protective filter against network attacks);
  • There is also a print server. Using this device, you can always print the documents you need. Because the server is directly connected to shared printers - this greatly facilitates the work of staff and there is no need to put a printer on every workplace. The server itself organizes a print session, forms a queue of documents and saves them on its hard drive.
  • Similar to the print server, in its own waythe destination is also a fax server. Thanks to him, you can always send a fax, any message on the network. As well as the print server itself, this computer organizes and considers all requests and executes them in the order of the queue. This type of server does not load the telephone line and always automatically sends messages.
  • The last type of server is a remote access server. Using it, you can always pull any necessary information from it, even if you are far away and have only the Internet.

These are the types of servers, basically the meaning of their work is the same, but how convenient it is to work with them. Also on our website you will find information about the dns server: “What is a dns server?”.

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