If the background on the pages of your site representsa single picture that has the width of this site and multiplied by its vertical, then you can change the background by editing the very image in any graphic editor. If it was generated in the code of the page, you can change it using our instructions.

How to change the background of the site: instruction

  • In order to change the background of the site, to startIt is necessary to determine how the background is set in the current version of the pages on this site. We open the source code of the page on the server. For this, the Notepad text editor is quite suitable. By the way, directly in the browser with the help of the built-in page editor, you can also change the background for the site. HTML is a page code consisting of lines with instructions for the given browser, it describes the appearance, types, and the location of each component of the web page. These instructions are also called "tags". They are assembled into blocks, one of which originates from the tag and ends with a tag. In accordance with the standards of the language tag, the page background parameters are set. You can do this by placing the bgcolor: green attribute in it. In this case, the green background color of the page was set. But some colors have their own names (by HTML standards). For example, Chocolate, but usually use hexadecimal color codes.
  • For pages with complex design use fordescriptions of the appearance of CSS (cascading style sheets). CSS is a language that is created only for describing the appearance of the components of html-documents. CSS code can be included in the page code, connected to the pages using a special instruction and can be included in the code of the page itself. You need to find the tag in the page codes. If it refers to an external file, it will be necessary to open this file for further editing. This link looks like this: = "type/css" media = "all"> @ import "style.css" ;. If after the tag there is an instruction immediately, and not a link to the file, then you need to edit the style here. In order to change the background color of the page, you need to change the value of the background-color parameter. For example: body {background-color; Green; color: White;}

If you want to make a beautiful background for a site, thenyou can not only change the background color, but also add some picture: body {background: Green url (img / bg.jpg) repeat-x; color: White;}. In this case, the image will be used as bg.jpg, repeat-x also shows that this picture is reproduced along the X-axis (horizontally).

The space that is not closed by our picture,will have a background of green color. In this case, it was specified before the url parameter. If you specify repeat-y, then the picture will be propagated already along the Y axis. I will add that when you specify no-repeat, the background picture replication will be disabled.

Our article described in detail how to put the background on the site, how to change its color scheme, and about the possibility of inserting any image. Now your site will be the most original and memorable!

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