If you have to create the site yourself from scratch for the first time, then it's logical to ask yourself a question about why, and why change the colors of the hyperlink or how to change the color of the link?

Change, the color of the link is one elementaryThe reason is that the link should be selected from the general list of letters and numbers on the site page. If such a link is selected, it will be easier for the site visitor to find the information of interest to him and click on the link below to find the resource of interest. You can change the color of the link in several ways, for example, you can use the 2007 Power Point program. For this:

  1. Select the text of the link you want to edit.
  2. Find the subtitle of the design and go to it in the theme group.
  3. Open the "Create new theme colors" dialog box. Use it to change the color of the hyperlink.

There is also a second option for how to changethe color of one link. You can simply change the value of the link. Inside the tag, simply "style =" color: # FF0000 "is simply added, after the modified value is entered, the link color should change.

It is also possible to change the color of the html link using the CSS table, in particular the HOVER selector.

  1. Go to the control panel table
  2. Looking for a CSS style sheet
  3. At the very top of the table, we insert the required parameters. The font size is changed with the "font-size: size" command. The color changes with the command "color: color number", underlined "text-decoration".

These selectors can be applied in their own way.with the parameters you prefer. The main thing is that the style of the page is followed by style uniformity. Let all the links change their color in the same way when you hover over them. If you can not change the color of the link yourself, try to find help on Internet resources or contact a person who understands you better than the editor.

The main rule of the hyperlink is that it should be well visible and immediately pay attention to itself when visiting the site.

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