Those who are somehow connected with literature,writing any texts or the Internet, should master the art of working with keywords. What are keywords? These are words by which you can determine the general meaning, mood and direction of the text. This is the basis, the support of any text material.

Key words in the literature, for example, allowto a person to accurately understand the content of the work, and the author to adhere to the writing plan. The writer uses such a list of words (keys) to emphasize a certain concept or picture.

Also the concept of "keys" is important when working on the networkThe Internet. To promote your site, optimize, "undermine" it for search engines, and therefore, it is impossible to get more visitors without SEO. To conduct such promotion qualitatively, you need to clearly know what keywords are for the site. These are the words that are used in the texts of your site and for which the user searches the search engines for the information he needs.

Website Optimization

If you optimize your sitesuccessfully, it will appear in the first place in the search requests of the Network. This will ensure the popularity of the Internet page and a large number of visitors. But what can provide such a wide audience and the first lines in the search engine? How to keep Internet users on your site? The first thing that comes to mind is the appearance of the pages, a good font or color. Of course, if a person does not like what the site looks like, he will not stay there long. But if the visitor can not quickly, in a couple of seconds, find exactly what he is looking for, he will find the site useless and will not return to it again. To avoid this, you need keywords in the text. With the help of keywords, underlined and highlighted in color, the visitor instantly sees the information he needs. You save the user time, and he will remain grateful, with pleasure returning to your site.

Incorrect use of keywords canprevent pleasant reading of information, which will ruin the popularity of the Internet page. What is the density of keywords, you should know everyone who works on the Web. If there are too many "keys" in the text, it becomes optimized for robots, not for people. In addition, too high a frequency of using the same words adversely affects the readability of the text, it looks "empty" and stuffed with keywords. There is also a reverse situation, when the keywords are too few. In this case, your site will not be able to go to the top of the search engines, which is also a minus. The ideal option is the golden mean, reasonable use of keywords.

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