Let's look at what a contingency plan islesson, for which it is needed, and we will learn how to compile it. First of all, the outline is your support, the luggage of knowledge pushed back on paper or on other media that easily allows you to resume a lecture or material in the lesson you have learned.

To keep the plan-summary is compressed, if possibletheses (small monosyllabic sentences), writing down only the main essence, highlighting the headings, converting entire paragraphs into several lines. Thus, you will receive points and steps, in which you can later resume and recall the lesson's information. Holding such a plan in your hands, you will have the opportunity to restore the chronology of the story, and not to miss important points. Key words, dating, formulas, sayings - must be included in the plan-summary. Possible notations under the fields (nota bene), for a more detailed interpretation or an incomprehensible moment of the lecture.

That's what the plan-summary is. What is a student without his presence? Today it is simply impossible to imagine a student who does not keep his plan-summary at the lecture, writing down the lecturer's words in his notebook or typing next lines on a tablet or laptop. Keeping such a training diary, will find the necessary information in the future, and prepare for the passing of the next exam.

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