In all of our world there is a basis - it concerns howphysical things, and non-physical. It turns out that even in the ordinary word there is a basis. What is the basis of the word? We will briefly answer this question, especially since in our rhythm of life we ​​often forget the rules of the Russian language. The basis of a word in linguistics means that part of a word that we can not change on our own. And if we change, then this violates the rules of the Russian language. The basis of the word shows us what the meaning of this word is lexical. Simply put, the basis of the word is its part without ending and without form-building suffixes (if there are such words in the word). So, in the word "eighth" the basis of the word is "eight", in the word "our" - "our", in the word "desert" - "desert". In words that do not change, the whole word will be the basis. Examples of such words: "dreaming", "high" (in the role of adverb).

How to correctly identify the basis of a word

In order to correctly identify the basis of the word,you should take into account not only the sound part of the word, but also the alphabetic part. First, determine the end of the word, then the form-building suffixes, if any. The rest of the word, apart from these, is the basis. Let's look at an example. In the word "read" we select the ending "and", "l" is the form-building suffix of past tenses. We cut off these parts of the word and get the basis - "chita".

The basis of the word is non-derivative and derivative. The non-derivative base is a base that is not divided into other morphemes, it consists of only one root. For example, in the word "forests" the basis "forest" consists of one root, so it is non-derivative. And in the word "run across" the basis of "perebezh" consists of a prefix and a root, that is, it is divided into morphemes, therefore such a basis will be a derivative. Also, the producing bases are singled out - these are the foundations from which new words are produced. For example, the non-derivative "forest" basis is the producing one for the word "wooded".

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