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How to grow a tea mushroom?

Useful properties of the tea fungus are known from oldtimes. The history of the tea fungus dates back to ancient China. Tea mushroom can now be found not only in modern China, but also in other countries. In this article, we will look at how the kombucha is grown. We will analyze three basic ways and we will talk about how it is possible to grow a tea mushroom from scratch.

What is the use of a tea mushroom

The tea mushroom is an oblong,Beige color mushroom, which is similar in shape to the jellyfish. It is used to prepare a special kind of tincture that resembles kvass. The fact is that the tea mushroom is capable of secreting a special film called a medusomycete. This is possible due to bacteria that conduct their life on the surface of the fungus. Tea mushroom has unique useful properties, its tincture helps to fight insomnia, relieves headaches, has a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora, reduces the risk of constipation, normalizes blood pressure.

Next, consider how to grow a kombucha different ways. Let's start with division.

Mushroom division

This method is based on the use ofmechanism of separation. In order to allow the fungus to begin dividing, it is necessary to separate the plate or several plates, while clearly taking into account the thickness of the fungus. You can not cut an adult mushroom by half or cut off pieces from it. Plates should be of very small thickness and rather resemble a thin layer. And it's not difficult to do this, since there are clefts in the body of an adult fungus, which help to peel off the plates.

After several plates have been removed, you need to put them in a clean jar and pour the sweet tea. The tea should be large-leafed and brewed on seven tablespoons of sugar.

Method of infusion

The essence of the method is to use the mechanismnatural reproduction of the fungus. You just need to put the tea mushroom tincture in a dark place. She should stand like this for two weeks. As a result, a thin layer will form on the surface of the tea fungus, which will grow in the future. Gradually this layer thickens so much that a new fungus is formed. After the new one is finally formed, it also needs to be put in a jar and poured with sweet tea.

Method of rebirth

The method of rebirth is to useanother mechanism of the tea fungus. An adult mushroom can be kept in a container for a long time. For a long time, it will gradually sink to the bottom. Once this happens, you need to separate the thin layer from the adult fungus. After that, you need to throw out the old mushroom, as it will not be good for forming the tincture. With age, the mushroom begins to emit a lot of acetic acid, which is harmful. The new mushroom will be formed in the tank and gradually reach the level of the adult fungus.

Cultivation from scratch

There are different methods of growing teamushroom from scratch. For example, you can grow a tea mushroom from black tea or from a dog rose. In this article, we will consider an example of growing a tea fungus with the help of black tea.

Grow tea mushroom from black teaeasily. To do this, you need a three-liter can, boiling water, brewed tea, a few spoons of sugar, gauze. Note that tea should be inexpensive. It can be the most common black tea without additives. And it is desirable to choose a large leaf tea.

  1. First you need to put tea (5 tablespoons) in the teapot.
  2. Pour them with boiling water (half a liter).
  3. Then let it brew until it cools completely. Now add a few tablespoons of sugar, but not more than 7.
  4. Stir the tea and strain with gauze.
  5. Now you can pour the tea leaves into a three-liter jar, cover with a gauze cloth.

It remains to put the jar in a dark place. Store for one and a half months at room temperature. During this time a thin film will begin to form in the bank. And initially the forming tea mushroom will give a lot of acetic acid. Therefore, it can be moved to another jar, also filled with sweet tea.

Do not be surprised if after a year and a halfmonths, you will see only a thin film. After all, a young tea mushroom is exactly what it looks like. It does not need to be touched, but to be fully formed. When you see that the thickness of the tea fungus is about the thickness of the index finger, consider that the flu has already been formed.

To learn more about the tea fungus, as well as how to take care of it, we recommend reading the article How to care for the mushroom and look at the section Mushroom.

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