Black fungus, or chaga, if used correctlyrelieves gastritis, peptic ulcer, polyposis of the intestine and stomach. Also, this birch build-up has the property of increasing immunity, normalizing metabolism and even slowing the growth of tumors. In order to take advantage of all the useful means of the fungus, you need to know how to brew chaga. Several ways will be described below.

Where can I get chaga?

Chaga grows only on the birch. There is a fungus on young and old trees. The weight of one fungus can reach 5 kg. The surface of the chaga is black with cracks. Collect it better in spring or autumn with a special tool. Since Chaga is famous for its medicinal properties, it can be found in the pharmacy.

Fast way to brew chaga

If there is no time to prepare a decoction, you can simplybrew mushroom chaga. The benefits of such a tea will not be high, but the drink will raise immunity and protect against germs. It is necessary to boil 1 liter of water and throw 200 g of chaga. Then simmer the mushroom on low heat for a quarter of an hour. That's all, the drink is ready for use.

Preparation of this broth from chaga

Many would like to know how to properly brew chaga, so she gave the maximum of their useful properties. To do this, you need to prepare a real broth. It will require:

  • 100 g of mushroom;
  • 500 ml of melt water.

Fill the bowl with water, the temperature of which should bebe 60 ° C, and allow to stand for 4 hours. Then take out the mushroom and chop it: you can do it with a mincer or knife. The water in which the chaga was soaked should be heated again to 60 ° C and the mushroom put there for 5 hours. You can drain the water in a thermos so that the infusion is more saturated. After 5 hours it is ready for use.

An ancient way of brewing chaga

To prepare an infusion of chaga according to this method,need to spend three days. However, such a remedy will not spoil for several years. To prepare the infusion, the following proportions should be observed:

  • 400 grams of mushroom;
  • 2 liters of melt water.

Heat the water to 50 ° C and pour it on the driedchaga. Leave capacity for a day. The fungus during this time will be filled with liquid and will begin to give water its useful properties. Then gently grind the softened chaga and again lower it into the preheated water. In it, the fungus must be infused for at least 2 days. During this time water will absorb all the useful elements that are contained in the chaga. Subsequently keep the infusion in a cool place. If you leave it warm, then chaga will start to wander, and the drink will lose its former properties.

Birch mushroom tea can be consumeddaily as a prophylaxis of colds. But the dosage of the infusion should be prescribed by a doctor, since it depends on the particular ailment. Self use chaga is not recommended, since there is a risk of overdose. Also, do not forget about the possible individual intolerance of birch mushroom.

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