Growing of ornamental plants is enougha laborious process that will require a lot of patience and diligence from the amateur gardener. An excellent choice for decorating the infield will be shrubs roses or boxwood, remaining green even in the cold season. In addition, to decorate the premises you can grow tea bush or ficus, which can perfectly complement any interior.

How to grow a bush of a tea rose?

Tea rose is very unpretentiousa plant with enough beautiful flowers. One of its distinctive features is a long flowering time. In addition, the petals of its flowers are used to make syrups and delicious wine.

Growing rose bush:

  1. To begin with, it is necessary to pryopat a branch of a rose in the ground or cut from it and land in the ground chibouki.
  2. After the sprouting is rooted, it must be carefully excavated and transplanted to a permanent place. In this case, the damaged leaves should be trimmed, leaving about a third of the foliage.
  3. The transplantation process is best done in the early spring, as during the summer the plant will have time to take root better.
  4. Water the bush every few days as the soil dries.
  5. In autumn, trim extra branches and give the bush the necessary shape (this operation can be done at the end of winter, as long as the buds do not begin to peck on the plant).

How to grow a tea bush at home?

The tea bush reproduces exclusively with the help of seeds. They quickly lose their germination, so with their sowing should not be delayed.

  1. Plant 3-4 seeds to a depth of 4-5 cm in a single pot;
  2. Water the seeds once every 2-3 days, ensuring that the soil does not dry out;
  3. The temperature in the room should not fall below 22 degrees;
  4. In 1-2 months the seeds must ascend;
  5. After the shoots have 2 sheets, they must be placed in separate flowerpots;
  6. Now the plant needs the usual care: watering, loosening the soil and intermittent transplants.
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