Do you want to be healthy, full of vitality, young? Then give preference to healthy food. In particular, include in the diet of broccoli - an incredibly useful, valuable fruit of the cabbage family.

On the value, benefits of broccoli and the preparation of this cabbage, read below.

How useful broccoli: valuable properties

  • Struggles with cancer and infections. In this cabbage helps substance glucurafanin. In the process of chewing a fetus under the influence of enzymes, this substance is transformed into sulforaphane, which is just a powerful opponent of infectious diseases, as well as malignant formations. And the greatest amount of glucoraphanine is in the stems of young plants. His head is 10 times smaller.
  • It normalizes arterial pressure due to the rich content of potassium. And in general it has the most positive effect on the vascular system.
  • Being present in excess calcium allows broccoli to be considered a successful alternative to dairy products, beneficial for the formation and maintenance of the bone system.
  • Beta-carotene and vitamin C, also available in this version of the cabbage family, prevent the formation of cataracts and act as antioxidants, stopping early aging.
  • Competing with broccoli and asparagus in terms of its content of vitamin U - very useful in the treatment of stomach ulcers.
  • The ability of the fetus to normalize the indicatorsglucose - thanks to this broccoli is useful for all sweet tooth, as well as people suffering from diabetes. Excess of sugar in the blood provokes the destruction of blood vessels and, accordingly, the formation of atherosclerotic plaques.
  • Be sure to eat broccolipregnant women, as well as those who are just preparing to conceive, because in broccoli there is a lot of folic acid, necessary for the correct, harmonious development of the fetus in the womb.

How to cook broccoli?

No matter how wonderful broccoli cabbage is,the benefits of it can go to naught with the wrong preparation. So, frying, stewing and other strong heat treatment (especially with harmful fats) completely kill all the useful properties.

Therefore, for the most beneficial effect, the fetus must be eaten in two versions:

  • In the raw state. Perfectly suitable as an ingredient for fresh vegetable salads dressed with sour cream or high-quality olive oil.
  • Cooked for a couple. And it will be enough only 5-7 minutes for the vegetable to become soft enough, but at the same time retain its valuable substances.

Also read other articles on related topics:

  • How to grow broccoli
  • How to cook broccoli
  • How to cook broccoli
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