In corn contains many vitamins and minerals. Therefore, it is very important to store corn correctly so that it retains all useful substances. How to store corn - you will learn from our article.

On the properties of corn, you can learn from the article - What is useful for corn.

Storage of fresh corn kernels

  • From the ears of corn, remove leaves and fibers;
  • Fill a wide pan with water, putting ice cubes there;
  • Add a teaspoon of lemon juice and salt to one liter of water;
  • Place corn cobs in a saucepan for 20 minutes;
  • Next, separate the grains from the ears and drain the water through the colander;
  • Place the cleaned grains in special bags with a lock (zip-lock bags) and put them in the refrigerator or freezer;
  • The shelf life of maize with this method is about 3 weeks.

Corn storage in the cob

  • From the ears of corn, remove leaves and fibers;
  • Remove corn in zip-lock bags and place them in the refrigerator;
  • The shelf life of cobs with this method is 3 days, then the corn will begin to lose its sweetness. Sweet varieties of corn can be stored by this method for about 10 days.

Storing of boiled corn

  • Boil corn to the desired state;
  • After cooling, remove the pan in the refrigerator with the broth;
  • This method allows you to keep the corn juicy for 2-3 days.

Corn storage in winter

In order to stock up on corn for the winter, it is necessary to freeze it or to preserve it.

Frozen corn on the cob

  • Peel the corn from the leaves and fibers, remove the spoiled grains and cut off the tip of the cob;
  • Prepare two pots: with cold and hot water;
  • Place corn cobs in hot water for a couple of minutes, then into a cold one. Repeat the procedure several times;
  • Spread the corn on a clean kitchen towel and let it dry;
  • Then wrap each corn cob in the food film and send it to the freezer.

Frozen corn in grains

  • It is necessary to perform the procedure with hot and cold water, described above;
  • After the cobs have dried, separate the grains and package them into zip-lock bags;
  • Put the bags in the freezer.

If you are going to freeze a large amount of corn, then write on the packages the date of freezing, since such corn can be stored for 1.5 years.

On the methods of conservation, read in the article - How to preserve corn.

If you are interested in how to grow corn on your own, read the article How to Grow Corn.

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