Gathering the harvest in the garden, every mistressthinks about how to save it in the winter. One of the most recent cabbages are harvested, which can be kept in beds until the first frost. But nevertheless in winter, if the vegetable is not properly stored, you can lose most of the harvested crop. There are several ways how to keep cabbage for the winter, and each of them deserves attention.

Storage of cabbage in winter

  1. Cabbage can be fermented or salted. This is one of the most popular and ancient ways of storing cabbage. Salt in this case acts as an excellent preservative and helps to save the vegetable until the very spring. It is worth noting that sauerkraut has become a traditional dish for many people, without which no single winter table can. Several recipes for cooking sauerkraut you can learn from our article How to pickle cabbage for the winter.
  2. In the cellar or cellar you can save cabbage,folded into small pyramids or suspended from forks. It is worth noting that this way you can save only dense heads of cabbage. Cabbage is stored together with coverslips.
  3. Another of the old ways of storing cabbage -sawdust and snow. For this, the box with cabbage is densely poured with snow, stamped and sprinkled with sawdust from above. So you can keep the cabbage in the cellar until the next harvest.
  4. Another way to keep cabbage is to pack it in a food film.
  5. Fans of cabbage rolls can freeze steamed cabbage leaves in the freezer for the winter.

Our article How to store cabbage will tell about other popular and effective ways of storing this vegetable.

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