On the special utility of goat's milk was givenhear everyone. It is considered much more easily digestible than cow's and in some cases can be recommended for feeding newborns. Naturally, goat's milk is not a panacea for many diseases, but it does have a number of unique beneficial properties. About what these properties are, and also about who and how it is useful to drink goat's milk, and will go further.

How useful goat's milk is: the main factors

The main factors for the use of goat's milk are:

  1. Easy digestibility This property is goat's milkacquired due to the presence in it of albumins, as well as polyunsaturated finely divided fats. This quality is most valuable for maintaining the weakened by the disease of the body, when a person can not take much food. In goat's milk, the calories and nutrients needed for energy are in the optimal proportion.
  2. The presence of easily digestible calcium. Due to this property, the necessary bone system of calcium is correctly absorbed by the body. This is especially important for rickets, as well as for various diseases of the supporting system.
  3. The possibility of using for variousdiseases of the gastrointestinal tract (including dysbiosis). This property, in addition to the above, is facilitated by the presence of medium chain triglycerides in fat, which can be absorbed into the intestines without the participation of bile in goat's milk. Passing the lymphatic capillaries, they fall immediately into the venous network.

On the role of milk in proper human nutrition can be found in the article Than useful milk.

How to use goat milk correctly

The quality of goat's milk largely depends oncorrect content and feed of goats. That is why it is very important to buy milk from trusted producers, as well as to properly consume it in food, observing the following rules:

  • never boil (with fever, immunostimulants and antioxidants contained in milk are destroyed, and dangerous carcinogens are formed);
  • Do not cook porridge, soups, cocktails, etc. on the basis of goat's milk;
  • do not fill in other products;
  • do not ferment.

Even knowing exactly what good goat's milk is, notyou should start drinking it in large quantities, because, like any other product, it can not be of use to everyone. More information about which milk to choose for nutrition, you can read in the article Which milk is better.

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