For many years milk has remainedone of the basic and useful food products. Calcium, which is a part of dairy products, is necessary, first of all, for the structure and healthy growth of teeth, bones, hair and nails. Let's talk about what kind of milk you can drink and what is its benefit.

The Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences has developed recommended norms for the use of cow's milk, according to which a person should consume 116 kg of milk during the year.

Benefits of Cow Milk

Cow's milk contains a large amountnutrients. In particular, it contains many vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, proteins and fats. These components are necessary for the full and normal life of the body.

What vitamins are in milk

In cow's milk, many vitamins A, C, D andvitamins of group B. All of them positively influence the human body. For example, vitamin A has a beneficial effect on the immune system, vision, bones, skin and hair. Vitamin C protects body tissues from free radicals, and also takes part in the formation of collagen fibers. Vitamin D has an effect on kidney and intestinal cells and stimulates protein production. Vitamins of group B play a big role in cellular metabolism.

Mineral substances of milk

Cow's milk is rich in minerals. In particular, it contains a lot of calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, zinc, copper, sulfur and phosphorus.

Calcium is the most important trace element of milk. When the blood vessels are damaged, calcium takes an active part in blood clotting, affects the vital activity and permeability of cells. It plays an important role in the construction of bone cells, since 99% of this trace element is contained in the teeth and skeleton of a person.

Magnesium is necessary for the development of immunity of the child, increases its resistance to gastrointestinal diseases. Magnesium also contributes to the rapid healing of wounds.

Microelements of potassium and sodium play an important role in thethe human body. So, for example, potassium takes part in the functioning of soft tissues, in water-salt metabolism, maintains a fluid balance inside the cell. Especially it is important for the work of the heart muscle. When potassium is not enough, sodium takes its place in the cell. Zinc takes part in the metabolism, positively affects the immune system, maintains the integrity of the teeth, is necessary for a healthy skin condition.

Copper delivers the necessary humansubstance. This, in turn, promotes normal metabolism. The presence of copper promotes the intensive growth and formation of tissues, cells, as well as the rapid structure of enzymes and proteins.

Sulfur and phosphorus also have a positive effecton the human body. Thus, minerals and vitamins, which are contained in milk, have a beneficial effect on virtually all systems and organs of man.

Useful properties of milk

Cow's milk is useful for drinking for preventiondiseases of the cardiovascular system. It prevents the occurrence of strokes, heart attacks, spasms, strengthens blood vessels, normalizes blood pressure. Milk is also useful for the digestive tract, it helps with heartburn. It removes harmful and poisonous substances from the human body, helps with headaches, insomnia, depressive states, stimulates brain work, favorably affects the lungs and kidneys.

Many people ask themselves: what kind of milk to drink? It is preferable to drink fresh milk, because during the heat treatment milk loses its useful properties and minerals.

Useful properties of goat's milk

Goat's milk is considered the most useful dairyproducts among all others. It is well absorbed by the body and does not cause an upset of the gastrointestinal tract. According to the chemical composition and properties, goat milk is close to the composition of cow's milk. The difference is only in a higher amount of fat, calcium and protein. In goat's milk, a lot of vitamin A and a little more than in cow, iron and magnesium. By the composition of beta casein, goat's milk is close to breast milk. Thus, a person can drink both cow and goat milk. Both of these products contain many useful substances necessary for the full and normal life of the body. To help you also other articles from our website: Which milk is better and Than is useful milk.

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