Many of those who are engaged in power training,are interested in how to drink the geyner right? How many? What time? With what to combine? Can it harm the athlete's body? You will find answers to these questions in our article.

How to take a geyner?

Experienced athletes are well aware that the mostthe optimal time to take a geyner - immediately after the end of training. The fact is that after the heavy physical activity in the human body the digestibility of carbohydrates and proteins is increased several times. Gainer here is very useful. Having drunk it right after the strength training, the athlete not only helps his muscles to regenerate more quickly after notable loads, thus providing a more effective increase in muscle mass, but also creates optimal conditions for the body to restore strength, replenish energy reserves, and suppress the activity of catabolism.

Another approach is to take a geynerimmediately before training. The advantages of this method are that the body receives a powerful source of energy, which helps to make the training more lengthy and intensive. And the amino acids contained in the geyner, already in the process of training, will slow down the processes of catabolism. It should immediately be noted that if, along with muscle building, you set a goal to reduce the percentage of fat in the body, then it is not recommended to take a geyner before training.

How much to drink in a day?

The question is how much to drink in a day? Is there enough one reception?

In most cases, this food supplementis taken 2-3 times a day. But this option is perfect for you only if you belong to ectomorphs, that is, you have a thin physique from the nature or you have difficulties with weight gain.

If you often visit the gym,put on one hundred percent, and the arrow of scales is still far from the desired result, then, perhaps, a geyner in the amount of two or three servings a day is the missing link in the process of your work on your own body.

But how to drink a geyner if you are inclined to fullness? Take it once a day after training, and in the remaining receptions give preference to protein. If you are interested in the effectiveness of the protein compared with the geyner, then we recommend you read the article Gainer or protein.

With what you can take a geyner?

The composition of any geyner includes protein,necessarily - carbohydrates, as well as unsaturated fats and some substances, the content of which depends on the brand of food additive. On one portion, an average of 20-40 g of protein and about 50-80 g of carbohydrates.

Is it possible to drink a geyner by dissolving it in water? Yes, it is possible, but, as shown by practice, most athletes choose milk. Also, do not exceed the dosage recommended by the manufacturer. Even if you double the amount of the geyner in one serving, only the recommended dose of the mixture will work effectively. Surplus in this case is practically not digested. So in everything there should be a measure.

Of other sports nutrition supplements, the geynerperfectly combined with creatine, as the effective digestion of the latter is promoted by carbohydrates. Therefore, many manufacturers immediately inject creatine into the mixture. If you are focused on the result, choose an integrated approach to the organization of your sports nutrition and, in addition to the gainer, stock up with protein, pre-training complex, and vitamin-mineral supplements.

Is the gainer harmful?

For starters, it's worth noting cases when a geyner can not be drunk. This is a drying period and training aimed at weight loss or relief work.

Is the gainer harmful by itself? Modern media are filled with mythical misconceptions that taking this supplement can lead to problems of the heart, liver and even impotence. Do not trust such sources of information.

Gainer is a natural food supplement containing pure protein, regular carbohydrates and fats, only in more "powerful" concentrations than in food. Sex and age are not an obstacle for the reception of the geyner.

Of the unpleasant effects can be mentioned onlyindividual intolerance of components and digestive disorders. In the case of diarrhea, give up the supplement for a couple of days, and then continue to take, simply reducing the dosage. Problems with digestion can arise because of lactose intolerance or problems with the pancreas.

And yet - never store the geyner in unpacked form, especially in damp places, otherwise it will deteriorate.

Now you know how much to drink in a day and how to take it. Finally, we would like to recommend a useful article for you. How to take a geyner.

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