It is known that nuts have a beneficial effect onorganism, because they contain a large number of nutrients. For this reason, they must be present in the diet of each person. If you forget to eat several nuts every day, then add them to different dishes. It can be pasta, sauces, casseroles, ice cream, cakes, desserts, salads. The food is very much, you just need to be able to experiment. We will describe a few interesting recipes below.

How to cook jam from nuts

If you want something unusual, you can make jam from walnuts. It will turn out very tasty, and it's quite easy to cook it. It will require such products:

  • walnuts - 100 g;
  • 2 kg. Sahara;
  • 10 g of alum;
  • 300 g of lime;
  • cloves, cinnamon or vanilla to taste.

Nuts clean and fold in a container of water. In this form they must lie for 3 days. Three times a day change the water, on the fourth day, drain the water, pour nuts with lime and leave them in this form for 3 days. After this time, rinse the nuts, put them in a pot of water and cook for 15 minutes. After that, the water must be drained, then pour it again and put in the saucepan alum. Cook for 15 minutes, then drain and cook for another 10 minutes.

Cook the syrup from sugar and water, add therenuts. Cook for 10 minutes, then add the spices. Cook the jam for another 20 minutes. Then spread the jam on the jars, close the lids and put on the infusion for 3 weeks. After this time you can take a sample.

How to cook nuts with honey

Nuts with honey - a delicacy that not only has an excellent taste, but also a beneficial effect on the body. The preparation of this dish will require the following ingredients:

  • 60 g cashew;
  • 60 g walnuts;
  • 60 g of hazelnut;
  • 60 g of Brazil nuts;
  • 60 g of almonds;
  • 60 g of pistachios;
  • 60 g dried apricots;
  • 60 g raisins;
  • 60 g of prunes;
  • 60 g of natural honey.

Mix all kinds of nuts and dry them a a frying pan. Then take a clean jar and put a handful of nuts into it, pour some honey. Put some prunes and dried apricots. These actions need to be repeated until the ingredients are exhausted. After this, put the jar in a dark place so that the ingredients are infused. The next day you can take a sample. That's just too much of this dessert is not recommended, since it has a laxative effect.

Of nuts, you can also make an excellent halva, its recipe you will find in our article - How to cook halva.

Not everyone knows how and with what to eat nuts correctly, because they are quite caloric. To understand this matter will help you our article - How to eat nuts.

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