Satsivi, which in Georgian means"Cold" is poultry, most often turkey, with a special walnut sauce and spices. This dish is very nutritious, thanks to the nuts and fibers of the bird, and, of course, delicious. In the store you can often find ready-made satsivi, but why not cook it yourself. Let's deal with how to properly prepare satsivi.


The classic recipe for satsivi involves the use of a turkey, but a large chicken, as well as duck or goose meat, will do. To prepare a large sauce casserole, about 2 kg of poultry are needed.

Walnuts are perhaps the most important ingredient. Therefore, carefully consider their choice. Nuts should be light, not brown. Also, pay attention to how dry they are. For Satsivi only walnuts with walnuts are suitable. It is best to buy nuts not in the store, but in the market. You need 0.5 kg.

Also you will need:

  • Onion - 1 large onion
  • Garlic - 3 large denticles
  • Dry hot red pepper (1 teaspoon)
  • Spices - saffron (2 teaspoons), coriander (coriander) and cloves (one teaspoon). The easiest way to buy a set of hops-suneli spices.
  • 3 egg yolks
  • Wine vinegar - 2 tablespoons
  • Salt

How to cook satsivi from chicken

Cooking chicken

First, where to start cookingSatsivi - you should cook a chicken. For this, the poultry meat should be well washed in running cold water, then pour water in a saucepan (about 2 liters). The chicken should be cooked for about 1 hour on medium heat. If you use a steamer, 15-20 minutes will be enough.

After you have cooked the chicken, it should be fried. It is best to use the oven. Roast the chicken until a characteristic golden crust.

Preparation of nut sauce

In the question of how to prepare Satsivi, a specialattention should be paid to the preparation of nuts. To begin with, peeled walnuts should be ground in a combine, grinder or grind in a mortar. Then, add to the resulting mixture of spices that were described above, as well as crushed garlic. The mixture must be mixed thoroughly.

After this, add the separated yolks and finely chopped onions to the nuts. Stir the mixture to a homogeneous consistency. You can add a little broth, which remained after cooking the chicken.

The resulting mixture follows several timespass through a sieve in a prepared pan, solid residues on the sieve can safely throw out. In the end, you should get a pretty fluid mass. It will be the basis for Satsivi.

How to cook Satsivi: the final stage

Pan sauce on fire untilfirst bubbles. It is at this point that you should put the fried chicken. Stir the resulting dish and allow to cool, then add the vinegar and salt to taste. It is important that wine vinegar should be poured only after Satsivi has cooled down, otherwise the sauce will darken. This completes the cooking process.

So, now you know how to cook Satsivi. On the table, this dish should be served cold, with red wine and white bread. Do not forget to add a little fresh greens. Bon Appetit!

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