Nuts are not only delicious, but also useful fruits. About their benefits are written in the article Than useful nuts. And how many calories are in nuts and is it worth including them in a diet for weight loss?

Caloric content of nuts

First, there are many kinds of nuts. More about these fruits, see the section Nuts. Secondly, different nuts have different calorie content, in some cases seriously different. The energy value in 100 g. Is:

  • 718 cal - macadamia;
  • 691 cal - pecan;
  • 673 cal - cedar nut;
  • 656 cal - Brazil nut;
  • 654 cal - walnut;
  • 643 cal - the Manchu nut;
  • 633 cal cashews;
  • 628 cal-hazelnuts;
  • 576 cal - almonds;
  • 562 cal - pistachios;
  • 551 cal - peanuts;
  • 509 cal - an acorn;
  • 364 cal - coconut;
  • 182 calginko;
  • 166 cal - chestnut;
  • 150 calories.

You can see that the most nutritious is the macadamia nut, and the least caloric is the chestnut, which must be cooked or steamed before eating.

* A cola nut is an energy stimulant,which contains up to 2.5% of caffeine and, in fact, is the least caloric on our list. Initially, Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola made drinks on its basis. It is necessary to know that it is addictive, and if it is used excessively, it leads to problems with the digestive system.

Peanuts contain 26.3 g of proteins. More only in the Manchu nut. Macadamia is the richest in fats: they contain 75.7 g. There is a little behind the pecan with 72 g. The acorn is the most nutritious, since it contains 53.7 g of carbohydrates, while the chestnut has 30.6 g.

Our list should help you choose that nut,which will not only be tasty, but also beneficial for your body. Peanuts, walnuts, acorn and chestnut (the last two are still to be prepared) are quite easy to get, but each of them is unique in its own way.

For example, if you need about 650 calories with 100 grams, then it is not necessary to buy Brazilian, cedar, Manchurian nuts or cashews - you can get by with a common walnut.

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