Before boiling the chicken, it is necessaryto prepare in a certain way. Frozen chicken must be completely unfrozen beforehand. Then the carcass of the chicken should be dried with a kitchen towel and scorched above the flame of the gas burner to remove the feathers and fluff remaining after plucking. After this, the chicken carcass should be thoroughly rinsed from inside and outside under cold running water.


To give the chicken carcass a beautiful appearance andensure its uniform cooking, it is molded. The easiest way is to mold a carcass into a pocket. To do this, at the bottom of the abdomen in the skin make slits and adjust the joints of the legs in them, and the wings with cut ends are turned to the back. Now your chicken is completely ready to cook.


Now we will tell you how to cook a delicious chickenfor further serving on the table as a second course. Take a saucepan and fill it with water for about 2/3. Put it on the fire. To chicken meat was tender and juicy, the chicken is laid in boiling water! Then the skin proteins quickly fold, and all the juice remains inside the carcass. After you put the chicken in a saucepan, the boil will naturally stop. Wait for a second boil, carefully remove the foam and grease from the surface, reduce heat and cover the pan with a lid. After 15 minutes, salt the broth and place a small onion and carrot in it. More spices and roots in the decoction, as a rule, do not add, as they drown out the natural chicken flavor. Next, cook the chicken until ready, which is easy to determine punctures with a fork leg in the thick part of it. If the plug comes in easily, then the chicken is already ready. The cooking time of the average young broiler chicken, bought in the store, averages 45-60 minutes. On the village same chickens purchased in the market, it is worth mentioning separately.

How to cook an old chicken?

The age of standard store chickens grown onpoultry farm, strictly controlled by the manufacturer, but a chicken from the market may well turn out to be old. Determine the age of the chicken is possible by the color of the skin and the condition of the bones. In old chickens, the skin is somewhat coarse, yellowish in color, the inner fat is golden in color, the keel bone (the central bone of the breast) is very firm and does not bend at all when you press it with your fingers. If you got this particular chicken, do not worry - the broth from it will be the most delicious, fragrant and transparent. In how to boil an old chicken, there are small secrets. Prepared chicken is put in a saucepan, poured cold water and put on a strong fire. Bring to a boil, several times remove the surface appearing on the surface, reduce heat and cook for 30-40 minutes. Then, salt, add carrots, onions, parsley and celery and cook until ready with a slight boil (about 2-3 hours).

How to cook a chicken quickly?

Do not know how to cook a chicken fast? Try to brew it into pieces before cooking. This will reduce the cooking time.

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