Stuffed chicken is a delicious dish. And, to cook it, by the way, is not so difficult, as it might seem at first glance. Today there are a lot of recipes. We will quote one of the most delicious, in our humble opinion.

How to cook stuffed chicken

In order to prepare a stuffed chicken, you will need the following ingredients:

  • A hen. The weight is not more than two kilograms.
  • Four tablespoons of butter.
  • A pair of bulbs.
  • Two tablespoons of flour.
  • One glass of sour cream.
  • Three hundred grams of fresh mushrooms (suitable podberezoviki, ceps or boletus).
  • Greens, salt, pepper to taste.
  • Lemon zest.
  • Fat for frying chicken.

To begin with, it is necessary to weld mushrooms and a littledry them. Cook should be slightly salted water. Then, cut them into strips and mix them with chopped onions and greens, and also, with ground butter. The hen should be thoroughly washed and put the previously prepared mushroom mixture in the abdominal cavity. The abdomen of the chicken is sewed.

Stuffed, thus, the chicken carcass,should be sent to a pan and fry from all sides, until the appearance of a golden crust. After that, put it in a deep saucepan and add the mushroom broth. Cover the pan with a lid and put on a slow fire. After three quarters of an hour, we take out the chicken, release it from the thread and cut it into portions with the mushroom stuffing.

Preparation of sauce

When extinguishing the chicken, you should have a juice. In it pour a little bit of hot water, then strain and thicken, using flour, which should be diluted in advance in a small amount of cold water. It should be given this sauce to boil, and then, season with salt, pepper and zest of lemon. After five minutes, remove it from the heat and refill with fresh sour cream. This sauce should be filled with each of the portions of chicken.

Now, and you know how to stuff a chicken. Enjoy your friends and family with this wonderful dish. They will definitely like it.

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